Science Skills

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Revision as of 06:21, 7 August 2023 by Starfield (talk | contribs)
See also: Skills
SkillImageTierBackgroundDescriptionRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Challenge 1Challenge 2Challenge 3
Aneutronic FusionAneutronic Fusion.pngMasterIt is possible to maximize a ship's energy output by specifically directing the unique nuclear processes that occur within its reactor.Ship reactors produce 1 extra unit of power.Ship reactors produce 2 extra units of power.Ship reactors produce 3 extra units of power.Ship reactors produce 5 extra units of power.??????????????????
Advanced technology is one thing, but it takes skill, patience, and a little bit of love to coax even more capability out of a ship's grav drive.Increase grav jump range of jump drives by 15%.Reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 15%.Increased grav jump range and reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 30%.Reduced fuel cost of jump drives by 50%.??????????????????
AstrophysicsAstrophysics.pngExpertA ship's scanner receives vast amounts of data, but It takes a trained mind to efficiently analyze it all.You can scan the moons of your current planet. You have a 10% chance to discover a trait when scanning.You can scan any planet or moon in this system. You have a 20% chance to discover a trait when scanning.You can scan any planet or moon within 16 Light Years. You have a 30% chance to discover a trait when scanning.You can scan any planet or moon within 30 Light Years. You have a 50% chance to discover a trait when scanning.??????????????????
BotanyBotany.pngAdvancedThe scientific study of flora, while important on Earth, became even more essential as humanity began exploring alien worlds.Get more common and uncommon organic resources from plants, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows some plants to be cultivated at your outposts.Get more rare organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.Get more exotic organic resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from plants, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.??????????????????
ChemistryChemistry.pngExpertWhen crafted by the skilled and safety conscious, chems can be used to enhance health and performance across the Settled Systems.You can create improved chems, and research additional chems at a Research Lab.You can research and create superior chems.You can research and create cutting-edge chems.Crafting chems occasionally triples the amount created.??????????????????
Newly discovered minerals mined from alien planets and moons have directly led to some incredible technological advancements.Get more common and uncommon inorganic resources from surface objects.Get more rare inorganic resources from surface objects.Get more exotic inorganic resources from surface objects.Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from surface objects.??????????????????
MedicineMedicine.pngNoviceCombat Medic
Only through advancements in medical training and technology has humanity been able to withstand the galaxy's many dangers.Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 10% additional Health 10% faster.Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 20% additional Health 20% faster.Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 30% additional Health 30% faster.Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits restore 50% additional Health 50% faster, and have a chance to cure an affliction.??????????????????
Outpost EngineeringOutpost Engineering.pngExpertProper construction of habitation modules is essential to one's survival on any alien world.You can construct improved outpost modules, and research additional modules at a Research Lab.You can research and construct superior outpost modules.You can research and construct cutting-edge outpost modules.Outpost modules now cost 50% fewer resources to build.??????????????????
Planetary HabitationPlanetary Habitation.pngMasterWhile outpost building is always challenging, doing so on a world with a dangerous environment requires specialized training.You can build outposts on planets with extreme temperatures (Deep Freeze and Inferno). Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 4.You can build outposts on planets with extreme pressure. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 8.You can build outposts on planets with toxic or corrosive atmospheres. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 12.You can build outposts on planets with extreme gravity. Increase the maximum number of Outposts you can build by 16.??????????????????
Research MethodsResearch.pngNoviceIndustrialist
By skilfully employing both new and time tested methods, a researcher may complete projects faster, and even gain unexpected insights.Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 10%.Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 20%.Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 40%.Sudden developments during research are twice as common. Resources required to craft items and complete research projects is reduced by 60%.??????????????????
ScanningScanning.pngAdvancedWhile anyone can use a ship's scanner, it takes a specially trained operator to detect hard-to-find planetary resources, or uncover the details of nearby ships.You can detect uncommon inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and more information about ships in space.You can detect rare inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and more specific information about ships in space.You can detect exotic inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and gain better combat information on ships in space.You can detect unique inorganic resources on planet and moon surfaces, and gain a complete list of cargo on ships in space.??????????????????
Spacesuit DesignSpacesuit Design.pngAdvancedWhile a basic spacesuit can protect one from the vacuum of space, it takes a specialized design to withstand the rigors of many alien worlds.You can craft improved spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods, and research additional mods at a Research Lab.You can research and craft superior spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods.You can research and craft cutting-edge spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods.Construction of spacesuit, helmet, and pack mods occasionally doesn't cost resources.??????????????????
Special ProjectsSpecial Projects.pngMasterBig guns are great, but in the Settled Systems, sometimes the best weapon is simply an old adage: "Knowledge is Power."You can research experimental projects at a Research Lab.You can craft rare manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.You can craft exotic manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench.You can craft unique manufactured components at an Industrial Workbench. Outpost extractors have a chance to produce additional resources.??????????????????
Humanity now has access to untold alien worlds, and the ability to decipher all that data while on the ground has become an essential skillset.Adds an optional zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased to 20 meters.Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased to 30 meters.Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased to 40 meters.Adds another level of zoom to the hand scanner, and scan distance is increased to 50 meters.??????????????????
Weapon EngineeringWeapon Engineering.pngAdvancedLife in the 24th century can be exceedingly dangerous, and the ability to maintain and modify personal weapons can be essential to one's survival.You can craft improved weapon mods at a Weapon Workbench, and research additional weapon mods at Research Lab.You can research and craft superior weapon mods.You can research and craft cutting-edge weapon mods.You can research and craft master-level weapon mods.??????????????????
ZoologyZoology.pngAdvancedNo one could have expected the number of new species encountered on alien worlds, or the Importance of those skilled in their behaviour and domestication.Get more common organic resources from creatures and harvest from them without harming them, learn additional info about them from the scanner, and allows you to produce animal resources at your outposts.Get more uncommon organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.Get more rare organic resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.Occasionally harvest additional rarer resources from creatures, and learn information about them more quickly using the scanner.??????????????????