Delivering Devils

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Delivering Devils
Starfield DeliveringDevilsTradeAuth EN.jpg
Type United Colonies Mission
Number 3
Location Jemison - MAST District - MAST Lobby / Commander Tuala's Office
Starting NPC Commander Tuala
Description "Hadrian has asked me to find her colleague, Percival Walker, on Mars. Percival was recently working with the Trade Authority there, so that seems like a natural place to check first."
Previous Mission Grunt Work
Next Mission Eyewitness
Patch 1.0

Delivering Devils is the mission 3 of United Colonies Mission.


Tips and Tricks


Ask about Percival at the Trade Authority

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Speak to the Miners at The Sixth Circle

  • Head down the stairs from the Trade AAuthority and take the Elevator on the right to P2.

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Speak to the Bartender

Pay off Percival's Dept

  • You have three options to clear Percival's Debt: pay it yourself, break into the Trade Authority to reduce the amount, or clear out the Deep Mines and collect some research for Cambridge. In this walkthrough, we have gone through the steps to collect the research from the Abandoned Mines.

(Optional Objective: Speak to the Bar Patron)

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  • He says there is another option that doesn't involve breaking the law. If you give their research on Aqueous Hematite over to Oktai at the Trade Authority, they may waive Percival's debt. This requires you to clear out some Spacers in the Deep mines in order to obtain the rest of the research.

(Optional Objective: Kill the Space Leader in the Deep Mines)

  • If you decide to go this route, head to the Main Level using the Elevator after speaking with Cambridge, then exit Cydonia.
  • Head through Mar's Terrain by following the mission marker to the Abandoned Mines.

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  • Head into the building and take out the Spacers.

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  • Once the Spacer's are cleared out of that main area, go through the yellow door to head deeper into the Abandoned Mines.

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(Optional Objective: Contact Cambridge on the Comms Panel)

  • After putting down the Spacer's leader, head into one of the trailers and speak to Cambridge through the intercom.

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  • He instructs you to grab a Laser Cutter and collect samples of Hematite to then deposit in the Thresher. He provides you with the passcode for the machine: "Ares2330."

(Optional Objective: Deposit the Hematite in the Thresher)

  • Head back into the chamber where you came in and collect the Hematite samples with your Laser Cutter. If you already collected them when taking out the Spacer's, you can head straight to the Thresher Machine.
  • Deposit the Hematite into the Thresher.

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(Optional Objective: Wait for the Thresher to Complete the Analysis)

  • Wait for the Thresher to do its thing and then collect the results.

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(Optional Objective: Contact Cambridge)

  • After collecting Percival and Cambridge's research, head back to the intercom to contact Cambridge. He tells you about the Elevator key you can grab from the Thresher room.

(Optional Objective: Find the Elevator Key)

  • Pick up the Elevator Key from the Thresher room.

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  • Take the Elevator using the key to exit through the Deep Mines Employee Exit.

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(Optional Objective: Return the Data to Cambridge)

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(Optional Objective: Use Cambridge's Data to Clear Percival's Debt)

  • Take the Elevator to the Main level.

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Speak to Lou

Find Percival

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  • Take the Elevator to the Main Drill.

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  • Head through the Mine to the Drill Waste Room. If you already cleared the Spacer's during the optional objective to obtain the Hematite research, the area will be clear.

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  • Make your way through the Mines to the massive structure.

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Follow Percival

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Meet Hadrian at the Sixth Cricle

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Follow Hadrian

Additional Information



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