The Old Neighborhood

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Revision as of 23:30, 12 September 2023 by Sneaky pete (talk | contribs)
The Old Neighborhood
Starfield TheOldNeighborhood3 EN.jpg
Type Main Mission
Number 2
Location the Lodge
Starting NPC Sarah Morgan
Description Sarah wanted to talk to me about my first mission. "We need to find Vanguard Moara, who might be in possession of an Artifact. He was last seen patrolling the Sol System."
Reward 400 XP, 8000 Credits, Constellation Space Suit, Constellation Space Helmet, Sarah Morgan as Companion
Previous Mission One Small Step
Next Mission The Empty Nest, Into the Unknown, Back to Vectera
Patch 1.0

The Old Neighborhood is the mission 2 of Main Mission.


After equipping your character and reviewing your skills, approach Sarah, who's standing beside the artifact pedestal in the Lodge. If you're ready to embark on the mission, talk to her. She'll join your party, becoming a permanent member until the mission's end. While still at the Lodge, don't forget to grab the Constellation Guide 01 magazine from the railing for a permanent buff.

Your first objective is to talk to Sarah's contact, Commander John Tuala. Exit the Lodge and follow your in-game map to locate him. During the conversation, you'll have the option to join the UC Vanguard; the choice is yours.

Upon obtaining new information from Commander Tuala, you're instructed to travel to Cydonia on Mars. Use the Starmap to locate Mars in the Sol system and initiate the jump. Once you arrive, land in Cydonia and navigate your way to the mining colony. Inside, take a right turn to find the Broken Spear bar. Speak with Jack, your new contact. Through a Companion-specific dialogue option, you can use Sarah to call out Jack's dishonesty, dropping his asking price for information from 2500 Credits to a mere 1000. He also directs you to the Mission Board for extra jobs, if you're interested.

Armed with new information, set course for Venus, also located in the Sol system. Upon arrival, Sarah will alert you to hostile ships nearby. Best heed her advice and avoid them. Then, set your ship systems to level 0, except for the engines which should be at 2, and carefully approach the satellite to interact with it.

Your next destination is the Nova Galactic Staryard, orbiting Earth's moon. Once you arrive, Sarah will brief you on the significance of the Staryard. Approach the docking point and hold "/R" to dock automatically.

Once inside, explore cautiously. There are more hostiles here than in the previous mission. Watch for a large room labeled "Conference Room" where two factions, the Spacers and Eciptics, are in a firefight. A Search and Rescue key leading to loot is found here. Continue toward the objective until you reach a room with a staircase; here you'll find another magazine, the Nova Galactic Manual 02. Secure it and proceed into the objective room, dealing with any opposition. Inside the white structure, you'll find Vanguard Moara's Slate on a bench.

After gathering all the intel, it's time to head to Neptune. Once back in space, locate Neptune in the Sol system and jump. Once you arrive, Moara's ship will be visible nearby. However, as you approach, the ship turns hostile. Navigate evasively while dialogue ensues. You'll need to disable the ship by taking down its shields with your laser weapon and then hitting it with your ballistic weapon. Get close enough, and you can dock with Moara's ship.

Prepare for combat as you board Moara's ship. After clearing out the enemies, loot the cockpit key from the last one. Then proceed to the cockpit to talk to Moara and understand the situation. You'll find an artifact at the front right of the cockpit—take it.

Return to the Lodge on Jemison, docking and adding the artifact to the pedestal. Wait for Sarah to consult with Noel about the artifact pieces. Finally, talk to Sarah one last time to complete the mission. With that, you're one step closer to unraveling the game's mysteries.

Tips and Tricks


Talk to Sarah

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Talk to Sarah's Contact

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Ask about Moara in Cydonia

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  • Return to your ship and travel to Sol.
  • Travel to Cydonia.
  • Follow the quest marker to a bar, make sure to turn right at the 4 way intersecting hall.
  • Talk to the bartender.
  • Moara owes a tab at the bar. You can either pay the tab or persuade the bartender to not need that to give you the information.

Go to Venus

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  • Open the Mission log and select "Set Course" and select the "Sol" System and travel to Venus.
    • You may need to jump to a closer location before jumping to Venus.

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Talk to Sarah

Examine the Satellite

  • Optional: Use Minimal Power to Avoid Detection.
    • If you choose this option, turn all systems down except one or two bars for your Engines and stay far away from the enemy ships. Get within 500m of the Satellite Beacon to activate it.

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  • If you choose to not do the optional method, fight off the Va'ruun Hymn ships. Once once they are destroyed, go to the Satellite Beacon to activate it.

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Go to Nova Galactic Staryard

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Talk to Sarah

Dock with Nova Galactic Staryard

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  • To Dock: hover over the white diamond and enter your Scanner and when prompted, choose the "DOCK" option.

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Find any clues about Moara

  • If you get lost, open your scanner and look for the white arrows that will point you in the direction you are supposed to go. 
    • Note: Sometimes, these will not show if you are in certain areas.
  • This next area is full of enemies that you can kill or stealth past. (Spacers, Ecliptics)
  • Follow the marker until you get to a room with a table that has Vanguard Moara's Slate on it.

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Go to Neptune

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Approach the Ship

  • Start traveling towards "Moara's Ship." You may need to add or decrease power to your Engines.

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  • As you approach the ship, it will turn hostile. Shoot it.
  • After you damage it enough, Moara will message you saying that their ship has been hijacked by Mercs and he needs assistance.

Starfield OldNeighborhoodMoaraHijack EN.PNG

Evade Fire

  • Avoid being damaged while being fired upon by the ship.
  • You can find tips on Starship combat in our article: Combat - Starships - Starfield

Damage Moara's Ship

  • Target the engines of the ship and fire on the Engines after locking onto the ship and picking the Engines.

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Dock with Moara’s Ship

  • After you damage the engines enough, stay in targeting mode to Dock with Moara's ship.
    •  If you exit out, get back within 500m of the ship to "Dock" with it.

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Clear Moara's Ship of Hostiles

  • Once docked, "Board" the ship and open the door straight ahead.
  • You will be attacked by hostile Ecliptic enemies.
  • Kill all enemies you come across.
  • The final Ecliptic will have a key that you need to loot.

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  • Use the Key to unlock the red door.

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Talk to Moara

  • Moara is on the floor near the front of the ship. Talk to him for your next objective.

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Take the Artifact

  • Grab the artifact from behind Moara. It's in the front of the ship if you get turned around.

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Return to the Lodge

  • Exit the ship the way you came to get back on your own ship.
  • Undock from Moara's ship.

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  • Open your Mission Log and Set Course/Travel to the Lodge

Add the Artifact

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Wait for Sarah

Talk to Sarah

  • At this stage, Sarah will give you your reward for completing the mission and welcome you to Constellation as a full member.
  • Sarah will ask if she can join you. You can now add Sarah to your Companion list.

Additional Information



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