Physical Skills

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See also: Skills
SkillImageTierBackgroundDescriptionRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Challenge 1Challenge 2Challenge 3Challenge 4
Once considered a "sport of kings," boxing is still practiced as a recreational competitive activity, but its combat applications can't be denied.Unarmed attacks do 25% more damage. 25% less O2 used when using a power attack.Unarmed attacks do 50% more damage. 50% less O2 used when using a power attack.Unarmed attacks do 75% more damage. While in a fight and unarmed, running consumes 30% less O2.Unarmed attacks do 100% more damage and have a chance to knock down opponents.??????????????????
Cellular RegenerationCellular Regeneration.pngExpertWhether through secret experimentation or just plain healthy living, boosting the body's ability to naturally recover from injuries can mean the difference between life and death.Slightly increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.Moderately increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.Noticeably increased chance to recover from injuries naturally.20% chance of not gaining an injury when you otherwise would.??????????????????
ConcealmentConcealment.pngMasterFew skills capture the imagination like the ability to remain undetected, used by assassins, special forces operatives, and simple thieves alike for centuries.You no longer set off enemy mines. Ranged sneak attacks do 2.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 4x normal damage.Running while sneaking doesn't affect stealth. Ranged sneak attacks do 3x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 5x normal damage.You gain a Chameleon-like ability when completely still and sneaking. Ranged sneak attacks do 3.5x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 8x normal damage.Engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you. Ranged sneak attacks do 4x normal damage and your melee sneak attacks do 10x normal damage.??????????????????
DecontaminationDecontamination.pngExpertThrough a deliberate regiment of conditioning and antibody therapy, one may effectively combat even the Settled Systems' unseen threats.Slightly increased chance to recover from infections naturally.Moderately increased chance to recover from infections naturally.Noticeably increased chance to recover from infections naturally.20% chance of not gaining an infection when you otherwise would.??????????????????
Energy Weapon DissipationEnergy Weapon Dissipation.pngAdvancedConsidering the widespread use of energy weapons in the Settled Systems, specialized training to minimize damage is considered invaluable.Energy damage is reduced by 5%.Energy damage is reduced by 10%.Energy damage is reduced by 15%.25% chance to reflect energy damage back to an attacker when your health is below 50%.??????????????????
Environmental ConditioningEnvironmental Conditioning.pngAdvancedIn the Settled Systems, even oxygen-rich planets and moons may have an atmosphere that is hazardous to human beings.Gain 10 resistance to Airborne environmental damage.Gain 10 resistance to Thermal environmental damage.Gain 10 resistance to Corrosive and Radiation environmental damage.Reduced chance to gain afflictions from environmental damage sources.??????????????????
Beast Hunter
In space, the greatest commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacity gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival.Sprinting uses 10% less Oxygen.Sprinting uses 20% less Oxygen.Sprinting uses 30% less Oxygen.Sprinting and power attacks now use significantly less oxygen.??????????????????
GymnasticsGymnastics.pngAdvancedFrom navigating the elevations of alien landscapes to exploring derelict ships in Zero-G, gymnastic training is invaluable for improving both safety and maneuverability.Unlock the ability to combat slide. Take 15% less fall damage.Move faster in Zero-G. Take 20% less fall damage.Become more stable while firing in Zero-G. Take 30% less fall damage. Replenish some O2 after mantling.Increased jump height. Run faster after combat sliding or mantling.??????????????????
Martial ArtsMartial Arts.pngExpertThere are currently hundreds of martial arts practiced in the Settled Systems, some originating on ancient Earth, some newly created, almost all effective in combat.15% increased chance to crit with a melee or unarmed attack.15% chance to disarm an opponent with a melee or unarmed power attack.While unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, take 10% less damage.Reflect 50% damage back when blocking a melee or unarmed attack.??????????????????
NeurostrikesNeurostrikes.pngMasterOnce considered the realm of fiction, the ability to disable an opponent without using a weapon is terrifyingly effective when performed by a skilled practitioner.10% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack.Unarmed attacks now do additional EM damage.20% chance to stun an NPC with an unarmed attack.After stunning an enemy, you also knock down any enemies within close range.??????????????????
NutritionNutrition.pngAdvancedAdvanced nutritional science is no substitute for good life choices, and knowing how much and when to eat can be just as important as the food itself.Food and drink are 10% more effective.Food and drink are now 20% more effective.Food and drink are now 30% more effective.Food and drink are now 50% more effective.??????????????????
Pain TolerancePain Tolerance.pngAdvancedPain hurts - but only if you're not strong enough to take it.Physical damage is reduced by 5%.Physical damage is reduced by 10%.Physical damage is reduced by 15%.5% chance to ignore physical damage when your health is low.??????????????????
RejuvenationRejuvenation.pngMasterUtilizing both ancient meditation techniques and newly developed breathing exercises, it's possible for one to actually trigger their body's natural healing ability.Slowly regenerate health outside of combat.Regenerate health more quickly outside of combat.Regenerate health much faster outside of combat. You can now slowly regenerate health while in combat.Regenerate health even faster outside of combat. You can now regenerate health quickly while in combat.??????????????????
StealthStealth.pngNoviceCyber Runner
For a combatant who values discretion above all else, the ability to approach a target while undetected and kill with a silenced weapon is as terrifying as it is effective.Adds a Stealth Meter. You are 25% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 5% sneak attack damage.Upgrades the Stealth Meter. You are 50% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 10% sneak attack damage.You are 75% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 15% sneak attack damage.You are 100% more difficult to detect when sneaking. Suppressed weapons do an additional 20% sneak attack damage. Doors you interact with while in stealth no longer alert enemies.??????????????????
Weight LiftingWeight Lifting.pngNoviceHomesteader
Long Hauler
Weight training can significantly increase one's ability to carry weapons and equipment, both in space and on the ground.Increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 25 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 50 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 100 kilograms. Gain 50% resistance to stagger.??????????????????
WellnessWellness.pngNoviceCombat Medic
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By embracing an active lifestyle and good nutrition habits, one may improve their overall sense of health, and even gain prolonged life expectancy.Increase your maximum health by 10%.Increase your maximum health by 20%.Increase your maximum health by 30%.Increase your maximum health by 40%.??????????????????