Martial Arts

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Martial Arts
Martial Arts.png
Type Physical
Tier Expert
Tier # 3
Description There are currently hundreds of martial arts practiced in the Settled Systems, some originating on ancient Earth, some newly created, almost all effective in combat.
Rank 1 15% increased chance to crit with a melee or unarmed attack.
Rank 2 15% chance to disarm an opponent with a melee or unarmed power attack.
Rank 3 While unarmed or wielding a melee weapon, take 10% less damage.
Rank 4 Reflect 50% damage back when blocking a melee or unarmed attack.
Challenge 1 ??????
Challenge 2 ??????
Challenge 3 ??????
Patch 1.0

Martial Arts is a Tier 3 (Expert) Physical Skill.


Tips and Tricks



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