Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown is the mission 5 of Main Mission.

Into the Unknown
Starfield IntotheUnknownVladimir EN.png
Type Main Mission
Number 5
Location The Eye, Piazzi IV-c, Porcyon III, The Lodge
Starting NPC Sarah Morgan
Description Sarah has asked me to go to the Eye, a star station that Constellation owns in orbit of Jamison. I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.
Reward 4000 XP, 9500 Credits, Andreja as Companion, Access to Powers and Temples
Achievement Into the Unknown (Achievement)
Previous Mission The Old Neighborhood
Concurrent Mission Back to Vectera, The Empty Nest
Next Mission All That Money Can Buy
Patch 1.0


The "Into the Unknown" mission begins at The Eye, a star station orbiting Jemison. After docking, you can explore the station, but the main objective is to find Vladimir in the central room and engage in dialogue. Your responses won't affect the mission's outcome.

After your conversation with Vladimir, you'll need to head to the planet Tau Ceti VIII-B. Land at the marked location, Unexplored Geophysical Feature, and navigate around a large hill to an indicated cave entrance. Inside the cave, follow the mission marker through a series of tunnels, eventually leading you to a small chamber containing Artifact Zeta, which you'll need to blast out from its stone encasement.

With Artifact Zeta in your possession, your next objective is to travel to the Olympus system, specifically to the planet Nesoi. Upon arrival, you'll be prompted to find Andreja at the Abandoned Mine. You'll find her fending off an enemy. After a brief conversation, she'll temporarily join your party as you delve deeper into the mine, facing numerous enemies along the way. To make your life easier, there's a computer down the first ramp that you can use to activate a robot ally to assist you. As you reach the second large chamber, fight your way through the foes at the ground level; you can either navigate down using the ramps or risk a shortcut by jumping off ledges near the non-operational elevator. Finally, in a subsequent cave, you'll find Artifact Iota.

With both artifacts acquired, Andreja will depart your party, and you need to head back to the Lodge. Unfortunately, there’s no quick exit due to the malfunctioning elevator, so backtrack up the ramps. Once at the Lodge, place the artifacts on a designated pedestal. Here, Matteo will automatically initiate a conversation; respond as you wish.

Now, return to Vladimir at The Eye. After your conversation, you'll also be able to add Andreja to your party. Vladimir will then direct you to a new location, Procyon III, situated in the Procyon A system. Land at Scanner Anomaly and follow audio glitches and distortions on your scanner to find the source. Once you find the right location, you'll uncover a large pillar structure, dubbed the Temple.

At the Temple, interact with a large door at ground level to enter a zero-gravity environment. Navigate through spinning projections that, when triggered, will charge a central ring. Enter the charged ring for a cutscene.

Upon exiting, return to the Lodge and engage with Vladimir one last time. He will ask for a demonstration of the "Anti-Gravity Field" ability you've just unlocked. Navigate to your Powers menu to equip it, then use it by pressing the designated buttons. After impressing Vladimir with your new power, speak to him again to wrap up this mission.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can optionally visit Vladimir's House as an Activity during this quest. If you go directly there, you will need to backtrack. You may want to wait until your ship is closer to that area to visit.
  • After talking to Vladimir, you can go to Procyon III or Piazzi IV-C in any order. In this walkthrough, we are visiting Procyon III first.
  • Some of these areas may not have been explored yet during your previous travels. Take the time to visit some of the locations before you get to your destination.
  • This mission is where you will have the option to recruit "Andreja" to be a companion.
  • Once you complete this mission, you'll open up the quest line "Power from Beyond" which will lead you to temples for Artifacts
  • If you are experiencing issues completing this mission:
    • We highly advise to do this Mission before doing Back to Vectera and Empty Nest.
    • Before loading the mission from your mission screen, unassign Sarah from your ship.
    • Revert to a save from before you attempted to start this mission.


Talk to Vladimir


  • Fast Travel to "The Eye" and get within docking distance (500m or less), select the station and choose to "Dock" with it.


  • Walk straight towards the back of the station and talk to Vladimir Sall


  • Vladimir tells you that the data for where the Artifacts are takes a long time to arrive without a Grav Drive and that you need to check the leads in person. He also warns you that two other Constellation members, Andreja and Matteo are following up on scans as well.
  • Vladimir has given me locations he believes could hold Artifacts. He's also asked me to be on the lookout for Andreja, another Constellation member, who was following up on the same leads and hasn't reported back. 
    • He states that Andreja will be one of the two sites that he has marked on your starmap.
  • You can pick up the optional Activity of "Visit Vladimir's House" if you ask him about retiring from the Crimson Fleet.
  • Go back to your ship and undock from The Eye

Go to Porcyon III

  • If you haven't traveled to that area yet, you will need to Grav jump your way to the Procyon A marker.



Find Andreja


Find the Artifact on Procyon III

  • Navigate your way through the Mine.
  • To your right is a computer that you can use to Update Friend/Foe Settings for Robots.



  • Select "Update Friend/Foe Settings"  and then "Recalibrate Friend/Foe Settings" to "Protect Current User"


  • Activate the Robots or Deactivate them. If you want them to help you, choose "Activate"


  • Continue your way through the mine and kill all Ecliptic and Va'Ruun Zealots.
  • You need to get to the bottom of the mine. If you can survive the fall, jump down. Otherwise, wind your way through the tunnels following the quest marker until you see the Artifact.




  • Once you have removed enough of the Caelumite, take the Artifact.
  • Talk to Andreja, who will "finish" in the Mine and then go back to The Lodge in New Atlantis.
  • You don't have to go all the way back out of the mine to Travel to the next destination. Pull up your Mission Log and choose "Find the Artifact on Piazzi IV-C" and "Jump"

Go to Piazzi IV-c

  • If you haven't traveled to the systems near Piazzi IV-C yet, you will need to Grav jump your way towards it.



Find the Artifact on Piazzi IV-c


  • If you use your scanning function, white markers will show your path to the entrance to the Unexplored Geophysical Feature.
  • Enter the cave.
  • It's dark in here, so you may want to use your flashlight.
  • Walk around the cave, following the quest marker and within a short distance, you'll see the artifact.



Add the Artifacts to the Collection


Talk to Matteo



Talk to Vladimir



Go to Procyon III

  • After talking to Vladimir again, he gives you data that "There's a large anomaly on a distant planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts"



Land at the Scanner Anomaly


  • Once you arrive in the system, find the quest marker and highlight it and select "Open Planet Map"


  • Select "Set Landing Target" on the Scanner Anomaly indicator and then "Land"


Follow Distortions on the Scanner

  • Exit your ship and you'll be prompted to use your Hand Scanner and look for distortions in your field of view.


  • Walk in the direction that your scanner picks up the distortions. 
    • The distortions will look like a staticky view on the outside part of your scanner. It will also make an interference noise. 



  • Once you walk close enough, the quest marker will appear.

Investigate the Source of the Anomaly

  • Walk over the hill and you'll see a structure.


  • Enter Temple Eta.
  • Press [Y]/[Spacebar] to Float Up and [B]/ [L CTRL]to Float Down
  • Float around in this room and look for bright areas that are centralized


  • Float into these and you'll hear a musical chime. After you've hit enough of these (about eight of them), the middle of the room will become a portal.


Return to the Lodge

The anomaly ended up being some kind of temple. I need to return to the Lodge and let everyone know what's happened.

Use "Anti-Gravity Field" in front of Vladimir

  • Walk in front of Vladimir and use your new-found power! 
    • [LB]+[RB] on Xbox and [Z] on PC
  • If you have not yet completed the other two missions that are concurrent with this one, choose the dialogue option "I'll follow up on the other anomaly you've found. Hopefully it's another Temple" to end the mission. If you have completed those two missions, the next mission will appear in your log.


Additional Information



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