
From Starfield Fans Wiki
Revision as of 20:09, 10 September 2023 by Sneaky pete (talk | contribs)
See also: Features and Guides

Mouse and Keyboard

See also: Controls - Mouse and Keyboard

Main Gameplay

Action Main Key Alt Key
Forward W
Back S
Strafe Left A
Strafe Right D
Primary Attack Mouse1
Secondary Attack Mouse2
Melee V
Throw Grenade G Mouse4
Activate E
Reload/Sheathe Weapon R
Power Z
Hand Scanner/Flashlight F
Open Data Menu* Tab
Toggle POV Mouse3
Camera Zoom In MouseWheelUp
Camera Zoom Out MouseWheelDown
Jump Space
Sprint L Shift
Sneak L Ctrl
Hold To Run
Toggle Always-Run Caps Lock
Auto-Move Numlock
Open Quick-Keys Q
Quick Key 1 1
Quick Key 2 2
Quick Key 3 3
Quick Key 4 4
Quick Key 5 5
Quick Key 6 6
Quick Key 7 7
Quick Key 8 8
Quick Key 9 9
Quick Key 10 0
Quick Key 11 [
Quick Key 12 ]
Quick-Save F5
Quick-Load F9
Pause* ESC
Quick-Skills P
Quick-Inventory I
Quick-Mission L
Quick-Map M
Quick-Ship H
Quick-Powers K

Spaceship (Flight)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Fire Boosters L Shift
Switch Flight Modes Space
Toggle POV Q Mouse3
Fire Weapon 0 Mouse1
Fire Weapon 1 Mouse2
Fire Weapon 2 G Mouse4
Ship Action 1 R
Select Target E
Increase System Power Up V
Decrease System Power Down C
Previous System Left Z
Next System Right X
Open Scanner F
Repair O
Ship Alternate Control Hold L Alt
Cancel Esc

Spaceship (Docked/Grounded)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Undock/Take-Off Ship Space
Get Up E
Exit Ship From Cockpit X
Zoom Camera In Mouse1
Zoom Camera Out Mouse2

Menu Navigation

Action Main Key Alt Key
Accept* E Enter
Cancel* Tab Esc
Up Up W
Down Down S
Left Left A
Right Right D
Previous Tab Q
Next Tab T
UI Action 1 R
UI Action 2* B
UI Action 3 V
UI Action 4 Z
UI Action 5 X
Rotate Model Mouse2
Zoom Model In MouseWheelUp
Zoom Model Out MouseWheelDown

Quick Container

Action Main Key Alt Key
Up MouseWheelUp
Down MouseWheelDown
Take Item E
Open Transfer Menu R
Perk Action 1 Space
Perk Action 2 L Ctrl


Action Main Key Alt Key
Build/Confirm/Edit E
Cancel Esc
Up Up MouseWheelUp
Down Down MouseWheelDown
Previous Variant Q Left
Next Variant T Right
Rotate Object Left Mouse1
Rotate Object Right/Create Connection Mouse2
Delete/Replace Object R
Change Color/Previous Category Z
Repair Object/Next Category C
Toggle View V Mouse3
Change Mode Tab


Action Main Key Alt Key
Switch View Q

Photo Mode

Action Main Key Alt Key
Snapshot Space
Exit Esc
Reset Settings V
Toggle UI T
Next Mode R
Move Camera Up Mouse2
Move Camera Down Mouse1
Previous Category Q
Next Category E
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Toggle Headtracking X
Toggle Helmet Z


Action Main Key Alt Key
Rotate Left A MouseWheelUp
Rotate Right D MouseWheelDown
Cancel Pick R Mouse2
Eliminate Unused Keys X


Action Main Key Alt Key
Steady L Shift

Data Menu

Action Main Key Alt Key
Open Pause Menu* F1


Action Main Key Alt Key
Open Mission Menu L
Show Me V
Zoom In MouseWheelUp
Zoom Out MouseWheelDown
Surface Map G
Set Route Destination X
Open Resource View R
Pan Up W Up
Pan Down S Down
Pan Left A Left
Pan Right D Right

Starmap (System Inspect)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Reset Camera Q

Surface Map

Action Main Key Alt Key
Fast Travel To Ship R

Spaceship Editor

Action Main Key Alt Key
Rotate Mouse2
Pan Mouse3
Pan Up W Up
Pan Left A Left
Pan Down S Down
Pan Right D Right
Floor Up R
Floor Down F
Zoom In MouseWheelUp
Zoom Out MouseWheelDown
Options L Ctrl

Shipbuilder (Empty)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Delete Delete Backspace
Undo Z
Redo Y
Add G
Edit Space
Select Mouse1
Exit Tab Esc
Flight Check C
Color J

Shipbuilder (Add)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Flip Piece Z
Change Piece G
Previous Variant Left
Next Variant Right
Previous Category Q
Next Category T
Up W Up
Down S Down

Shipbuilder (Edit)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Accept Space Enter
Select Piece Mouse1
Flip Piece Z
Previous Variant Left
Next Variant Right
Delete Piece Delete

Shipbuilder (Color)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Accept Enter
Previous Color Q
Next Color T
Next Control S Down
Previous Control W Up
Next Value D Right
Previous Value A Left
Default X

Shipbuilder (Flight Check)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Cancel Esc C
Rename G
Exit E
Previous Category Q
Next Category T

Shipbuilder (Exit Confirm)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Accept Enter Space
Exit X

Shipbuilder (Selection)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Edit Space
Undo Z
Redo Y
Add G
Delete Delete Backspace
Select Mouse1
Color J

Shipbuilder (Upgrade)

Action Main Key Alt Key
Accept Enter
Exit Tab Esc
Previous Category A Left
Next Category D Right
Zoom In MouseWheelUp
Zoom Out MouseWheelDown
Up W Up
Down S Down

Ship Info

Action Main Key Alt Key
Rotate Mouse2
Repair R
Remove Delete
Cargo Hold F
Crew C
Previous Ship Q
Next Ship T
Exit Tab Esc
Inspect X
Home Ship H
Register Ship G

Ship Info Transaction

Action Main Key Alt Key
Switch Category R
Ship Transaction Enter Space
Exit Tab Esc

Ship Info Modification

Action Main Key Alt Key
Upgrade Ship E
Open Ship Builder B
Exit Tab Esc

Xbox Controller

See also: Controls - Xbox Controller

Main Gameplay

Action Main Key
Primary Attack RT
Secondary Attack LT
Melee RS
Throw Grenade RB
Activate A
Reload/Sheathe Weapon X
Power LB & RB
Hand Scanner/Flashlight LB
Open Data Menu * Menu
Toggle POV View
Jump Y
Sprint LS
Sneak B
Quick-Key Up D-Pad Up
Quick-Key Down D-Pad Down
Quick-Key Left D-Pad Left
Quick-Key Right D-Pad Right

Spaceship (Flight)

Action Main Key
Fire Boosters LS
Switch Flight Modes RB
Toggle POV View
Fire Weapon 0 RT
Fire Weapon 1 LT
Fire Weapon 2 Y
Ship Action 1 X
Select Target A
Cancel B
Increase System Power D-Pad Up
Decrease System Power D-Pad Down
Previous System D-Pad Left
Next System D-Pad Right
Open Scanner LB
Repair RS

Spaceship (Docked/Grounded)

Action Main Key
Undock/Take-Off Ship Y
Get Up B
Exit Ship From Cockpit X
Zoom Camera In LT
Zoom Camera Out RT

Menu Navigation

Action Main Key
Accept* A
Cancel* B
Up D-Pad Up
Down D-Pad Down
Left D-Pad Left
Right D-Pad Right
Previous Tab LB
Next Tab RB
UI Action 1 X
UI Action 2* Y
UI Action 3 View
UI Action 4 LS
UI Action 5 RS
Zoom Model In RT
Zoom Model Out LT

Quick Container

Action Main Key
Up D-Pad Up
Down D-Pad Down
Take Item A
Open Transfer Menu X
Perk Action 1 Y
Park Action 2 B


Action Main Key
Build/Confirm/Edit A
Cancel B
Up D-Pad Up
Down D-Pad Down
Previous Variant D-Pad Left
Next Variant D-Pad Right
Rotate Object Left LT
Rotate Object Right/Create Connection RT
Delete/Replace Object X
Change Color/Previous Category LB
Repair Object/Next Category RB
Toggle View View


Action Main Key
Switch View X
Left LB
Right RB

Photo Mode

Action Main Key
Snapshot A
Exit B
Reset Settings View
Toggle UI Y
Next Mode X
Move Camera Up RT
Move Camera Down LT
Previous Category LB
Next Category RB
Up D-Pad Up
Down D-Pad Down
Left D-Pad Left
Right D-Pad Right
Toggle Headtracking RS
Toggle Helmet LS


Action Main Key
Rotate Left D-Pad Left
Rotate Right D-Pad Right
Cancel Pick X
Eliminate Unused Keys RS


Action Main Key
Steady LS


Action Main Key
Open Mission Menu View
Show Me Y
Zoom In RT
Zoom Out LT
Surface Map RB
Set Route Destination X
Open Resource View LB
Pan Up D-Pad Up
Pan Down D-Pad Down
Pan Left D-Pad Left
Pan Right D-Pad Right

Starmap (System Inspect)

Action Main Key
Reset Camera RS

Surface Map

Action Main Key
Fast Travel To Ship Y

Shipbuilder (Color)

Action Main Key
Accept A
Previous Color LB
Next Color RB
Next Control D-Pad Down
Previous Control D-Pad Up
Next Value D-Pad Right
Previous Value D-Pad Left
Default X

Shipbuilder (Flight Check)

Action Main Key
Accept A
Cancel B
Rename X
Exit Menu
Previous Category LB
Next Category RB

Shipbuilder (Exit Confirm)

Action Main Key
Accept A
Exit X

Shipbuilder (Upgrade)

Action Main Key
Accept A
Exit B
Previous Category LB
Next Category RB
Zoom In RT
Zoom Out LT

Ship Builder

Action Main Key
Floor Up D-Pad Up
Floor Down D-Pad Down
Right Shoulder RB
Left Shoulder LB
Add/Edit/Confirm A
Cancel B
Delete X
Duplicate/Flip Y
Undo/Previous Variant D-Pad Left
Redo/Next Variant D-Pad Right
Flight Check Menu
Color LS

Ship Info

Action Main Key
Repair A
Remove LS
Cargo Hold X
Crew Y
Previous Ship LB
Next Ship RB
Exit B
Inspect RS
Home Ship Menu
Register Ship View

Xbox Controller Tips

See also: Xbox Controller Tips

Get Familiar With your Controller

Controls change depending on if you are in your Starship or Planet side so getting used to what button does what is important. All button commands can be located on our Game Pad Article.

How to Change Button Configuration

You can update your Bindings via the Bindings option in the System Menu.

Docking for Starstations & Starships

When you are approaching a Starstation or Starship that you want to dock with, you must first tap the [A] button to have the docking prompt appear. You will then be able to target the desired location and press the [Y] button to Dock.

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How to add things to "Quickslots"

You can favorite/assign Equipment, Consumables and items to Quickslots. There are a total of 12 slots you can assign items.

  • Open your Inventory Tab via the Character Menu
  • Locate the item you want to favorite and highlight it
  • Then hold the [Y] button, which will bring up the bars where you can assign quickslot items
  • Select which spot you want to assign using the [D-Pad]

Flashlight vs. Scanner - Tap vs Hold

Many buttons have more than one function. For example, your "Scanner" and "Flashlight" are both [LB]. To access you Scanner you can tap [LB], and to access your "Flashlight" you should Hold [LB]

  • Flashlight: Hold [LB]
  • Scanner: Press [LB]

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Starship Maneuvering with Thrusters

See also: Starship Piloting

Activating "Thrusters" is important in Space Travel and Space Combat alike. To maneuver your Starship you must hold the [RB] button while moving your Stick. The [Left Stick] will control you moving both Horizontal & Vertical, while the [Right Stick] will move you in a gyroscopic manner allowing you to rotate your Starship.

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Exiting the Star Map

When exiting the Starmap you will want to hold the [B] button instead of tapping it to exit your Map immediately. This will allow you to get out of the menu much quicker.

  • TIP: Tapping the [B] Button will still work, but it will take multiple clicks. (i.e. Surface Map> Current Planet> Current System> Current Star> Menu)

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How to Heal

By default, Healing will be located on the [DOWN] button on the [D-PAD]. To learn more about Healing check out our “How Do I Heal?” critical. Controller tips13.jpeg

How to Access your Surface Map

The Surface Map can be located in the Starmap section of your menu. When you are plant side navigate to Star Map and press the [RB] button to access the Surface Map. From here you can locate important landmarks and Fast Travel to location you have visited before. 1. Navigate to your Star Map in the menu

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2. Press the [LB] Button from your Star Map

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3. This is your Surface Map

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