Urban Efficiency Attire

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Urban Efficiency Attire
File:Urban Efficiency Attire.png
Type Apparel
Phys 5
Engy 15
EM 15
Thermal 10
Corrosive 0
Airborne 15
Radiation 0
Mass 1.30
Value 225
Mods +5% O2 Recovery
Patch 1.0

Urban Efficiency Attire is a Apparel.

How to Get

Can be purchased from Amoli Bava at the Jemison Mercantile for 225 Credits. 
Can be looted in the Tau Gourmet Production Center in Tau Ceti II Planet. 
Can be looted from an Ecliptic Merc enemy at the Buried Temple in Masada III Planet.

Additional Information



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