No Sudden Moves

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No Sudden Moves
File:No Sudden Moves.jpg
Type Main Mission
Number 10
Level ?????
Location Location The Eye in System Alpha Centauri (orbit of Jemison)
Starting NPC Vladimir Sall
Description I need to retrieve an Artifact from Captain Petrov, who owns a salvage ship called the Scow. Vladimir suggested I might have to steal the Artifact.
Reward 750 XP
Previous Mission Short Sighted
Next Mission High Price to Pay
Patch 1.0

No Sudden Moves is the mission 10 of Main Mission.


As you wrap up a chat with Vladimir at the station, you learn about a new Artifact you need to find. According to him, it's currently on a collector ship called the Scow in the Procyon A system. You team up with Barrett and set course for the location.

Upon reaching the Scow, you face a critical decision: go in guns blazing or try a more diplomatic approach. For the sake of a peaceful mission, target the ship and hail it. A quick Persuasion check later, and you've successfully talked your way onto the ship without firing a single shot.

As you dock and board the Scow, you're approached by a crew member, Tao Xun. The man seems curious but non-hostile. Whether you engage in a brief conversation with him or merely nod and walk past is entirely up to you. Either way, continue deeper into the ship. Remember, your scanner can guide you if you get lost. Also, be careful not to pocket any items lying around; they're considered stolen and could complicate things later.

Eventually, you reach the back of the ship and come face to face with Captain Petrov. Behind him is a set of locked doors. At this point, you can either persuade the captain to give you a tour of his prized collection or have Barrett work his own charm on Petrov. Successful Persuasion or Barrett's intervention unlocks the next step.

Following Petrov, you enter the locked area behind the doors, a vault that contains the Artifact. Petrov proudly presents his collection and even opens the case holding the coveted Artifact. Talking to Petrov further won't convince him to part with it willingly, so you’ll have to make a bold move. Grab the Artifact, noting that doing so adds a 500 UC bounty to your name. If you've been peaceful up to this point, Petrov will be stunned by your action. A few well-placed shots will incapacitate him without killing him. Speak with the fallen captain to get him to call off his crew, allowing you to exit the Scow without any resistance.

Back on your own ship, set your coordinates for the Lodge to finish your mission. Beware: the 500 UC bounty you accrued from the Artifact will get you flagged down by the UC when entering Alpha Centauri. The smart move is to fast travel DIRECTLY to the Lodge to avoid this. Once you're safe at the Lodge, you can clear your bounty using a Bounty Board in New Atlantis.

Artifact in hand, you report back to Vladimir to continue unraveling the mysteries of the universe.


1. Talk to Vladimir

2. Travel to the Scow

3. Board the Scow

4. Find Captain Petrov

5. Follow Petrov

6. Steal the Artifact

7. Leave the Scow

8. Add the Artifact to the collection

Additional Information



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