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Zoe Kaminski: Difference between revisions

2,350 bytes added ,  6 September 2023
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* the trade Authority will not forget what you've done for us
* the trade Authority will not forget what you've done for us
* anyway nice to see you
* anyway nice to see you
* why exactly are you standing here instead of assisting us
* don't try that again
* oh I'm not
* I thought I made that clear
* someone evidently decided it was a good idea to try and frame me for whatever is going on
* you'll forgive me for saying so but I really did think you were smarter than that
* it's a real shame you didn't give me a chance to review what you found
* nothing
* nothing at all
* the trade Authority appreciates your visit
* I'm true to my word
* mast will get their data once I've had a look
* here's your package
* and don't worry, I've already corrected the ownership record for you
* welcome to the trade Authority
* if you're here on legitimate business, I would be more than happy to help you
* we've reached the conclusion that it must be somewhere on the surface
* outside the well
* I appreciate that you've listened to reason
* the junction box should be just nearby
* but really, do you honestly believe I'd go to this effort if I were somehow responsible
* I'm going to ask you to wait here a moment
* I'll be right back
* I very much doubt that
* you'll usually find Mission boards and bars
* typically ones nearest Spaceport
* you might be able to find them elsewhere, but that's your best bet
* I dare say he got it
* I'll look this over and make sure that Mast gets just as much as they need, not a bit more
* I'll coordinate things here with Miss Reyes
* with mast's access to the grid, we'll find out who did this soon enough
* and why
* yes, yes, fine, let's move on before she returns
* I'm going to make you an offer
* whatever you find at the end of this path, you bring it to me first
* same here, trying to isolate their ship systems and see if we can affect them in any way
* I'll need more help here in the lodge
* perhaps, but I'm quite confident in my business and I refuse to be intimidated
* then my disclaimer doesn't apply and I hope we have what you need
* not the first or last time for him
* I'm sure you do
* keep such interesting company these days
* oh for Heaven's Sake, that's mine, give it back
* and I can begrudgingly confirm that she's reading them correctly
* yes, yes, of course you are
* and what was it you were accusing me of with absolutely no evidence
* it's cliche, but it's true
* Everything has a price, and whatever it may be, I can afford it
* pleasure dealing with you
