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After triggering the "Into the Unknown" mission, your first stop is [[The Eye]], an orbital station around [[Jemison]]. Once docked, feel free to explore, although the station isn't large. Most notably, there's a magazine, "Peak Performance 01," located in a room to your right in the hallway marked FACILITIES F01. When you're ready, find [[Vladimir]] in the central room and engage in dialogue; your responses won't affect the mission's outcome.
Upon finishing your chat with Vladimir, head to the planet [[Tau Ceti VIII-B]]. Land at the marked location, [[Unexplored Geophysical Feature]], and navigate around a large hill to an indicated cave entrance. Inside the cave, follow the mission marker through a series of tunnels, eventually leading you to a small chamber containing Artifact Zeta, which you'll need to blast out from its stone encasement.
With Artifact Zeta in tow, your next objective is to travel to the [[Olympus]] system, specifically to the planet [[Nesoi]]. Upon arrival, you'll be prompted to find [[Andreja]] at the [[Abandoned Mine]]. You'll find her fending off an enemy. After a brief conversation, she'll temporarily join your party as you delve deeper into the mine, facing numerous enemies along the way. To make your life easier, there's a computer down the first ramp that you can use to activate a robot ally to assist you. As you reach the second large chamber, fight your way through the foes at the ground level; you can either navigate down using the ramps or risk a shortcut by jumping off ledges near the non-operational elevator. Finally, in a subsequent cave, you'll find Artifact Iota.
With both artifacts acquired, Andreja will depart your party, and you need to head back to [[the Lodge]]. Unfortunately, there’s no quick exit due to the malfunctioning elevator, so backtrack up the ramps. Once at the Lodge, place the artifacts on a designated pedestal. Here, [[Matteo]] will automatically initiate a conversation; respond as you wish.
Now, return to Vladimir at The Eye. After your conversation, you'll also be able to add Andreja to your party. Vladimir will then direct you to a new location, [[Procyon III]], situated in the Procyon A system. Land at [[Scanner Anomaly]] and follow audio glitches and distortions on your scanner to find the source. Once you find the right location, you'll uncover a large pillar structure, dubbed the Temple.
At the Temple, interact with a large door at ground level to enter a zero-gravity environment. Navigate through spinning projections that, when triggered, will charge a central ring. Enter the charged ring for a cutscene.
Upon exiting, return to the Lodge and engage with Vladimir one last time. He will ask for a demonstration of the "[[Anti-Gravity Field]]" ability you've just unlocked. Navigate to your Powers menu to equip it, then use it by pressing the designated buttons. After impressing Vladimir with your new power, speak to him again to wrap up this mission.
