One Step Ahead

From Starfield Fans Wiki
One Step Ahead
File:Starfield OneStepAhead EN.jpg
Type Ryujin Industries Mission
Number 2
Requirement None
Location Neon in Volii Alpha, Volii System
Starting NPC Imogene
Description "After joining Ryujin Industries, Imogene has given me my first task. I need to infiltrate CeltCorp's system and upload a program."
Reward 2 digipicks, Hippolyta consumable
EXP 100
Credits 1000
Achievement One Step Ahead (Achievement)
Previous Mission Back to the Grind
Next Mission A New Narrative
Patch 1.0

One Step Ahead is the mission 2 of Ryujin Industries Mission.



Talk to Imogene

  • Start the quest by talking to Imogene on the Operations floor of Ryujin Tower. She will explain the situation with CeltCorp and brief you on the mission.

File:Starfield OneStepAhead1 EN.jpg

Upload the Program at CeltCorp

  • Head to the marked building in Neon and take the elevator up to CeltCorp's floor.

File:Starfield OneStepAhead2 EN.jpg

  • The target computer is just a few rooms ahead. Use a digipick to lockpick the computer but ensure that you are not being observed.

File:Starfield OneStepAhead3 EN.jpg

  • Upload the program from the computer menu.

File:Starfield OneStepAhead4 EN.jpg

Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower

File:Starfield OneStepAhead5 EN.jpg

  • Take the elevator to the Operations floor and report back to Imogene to receive your rewards.

File:Starfield OneStepAhead6 EN.jpg

Additional Information

Tips and Tricks

  • Before starting this quest, it's recommended to unlock the Sneak and Security skills.
  • You can use the chair in CeltCorp's meeting room to skip time and make sure no one is around when you are lockpicking the target computer.



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