Marcel Duris

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Marcel Duris
File:Marcel Duris.jpg
Type Vendor
Faction ???
Location Trade Authority - The Den
Planet/Moon Chthonia
Star Systemn Wolf System
Missions Start-Up Stopped
Number of Items for Sale 62
Types of Items for Sale Weapon, Ammo, Pack, Throwable, Aid Item, Resource, Misc
Patch 1.0

Marcel Duris is a Vendor NPC.


Players can find Marcel Duris at the Trade Authority in The Den. Is it located on the planet Chthonia in the Wolf System.


Additional Information

Items for Sale

Item Type Stock Price
Calibrated Sidestar Weapon 1 2268
Coachman Weapon 2 1650
Combat Knife Weapon 1 505
Lawgiver Weapon 1 2395
Modified Arc Welder Weapon 1 3185
Modified Calibrated Maelstrom Weapon 1 3877
Modified Drum Beat Weapon 1 6973
Novalight Weapon 1 4620
Orion Weapon 1 5227
Regulator Weapon 2 4450
Rescue Axe Weapon 2 650
UC Naval Cutlass Weapon 1 935
.27 Caliber Ammo 54 25
.43 Ultramag Ammo 122 32
.45 Caliber ACP Ammo 11 25
.50 Caliber Caseless Ammo 72 38
.50 Mi Array Ammo 340 38
1.5KV LZR Cartridge Ammo 60 32
11MM Caseless Ammo 230 32
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell Ammo 103 35
3KV LZR Cartridge Ammo 98 36
6.5MM CT Ammo 294 25
6.5MM Mi Array Ammo 16 36
7.62X39MM Ammo 318 32
7.77MM Caseless Ammo 344 9
Caseless Shotgun Shell Ammo 90 32
Light Particle Fise Ammo 50 52
Deepseeker Balanced Pack Pack 1 2720
Star Roamer Pack Pack 1 900
Cryo Mine Throwable 1 575
Frag Grenade Throwable 2 350
Fragment Mine Throwable 2 415
Inferno Mine Throwable 2 510
Shrapnel Grenade Throwable 1 450
Chandra Chardonnay Aid Item 1 380
Chunks Chick - Package Aid Item 1 105
CQB-X Aid Item 2 525
Dark Lager Aid Item 1 155
Drink Pack: Red Wine Aid Item 1 240
Heal Gel Aid Item 1 510
Heal Paste Aid Item 1 80
Heart + Aid Item 4 450
Hippolyta Aid Item 2 350
Neurajack Aid Item 1 450
Paramour Aid Item 1 525
Reconstim Aid Item 1 525
Red Harvest Amber Ale Aid Item 1 155
Red Harvest Pale Ale Aid Item 1 155
Synapse Alpha Aid Item 3 525
Synthameat Ham Aid Item 1 140
Synthameat Turkey Aid Item 1 140
Trauma Pack Aid Item 2 595
Zipper Bandages Aid Item 1 360
Comm Relay Resource 1 177
Isotopic Coolant Resource 2 25
Mag Pressure Tank Resource 2 212
Monopropellant Resource 1 76
Polytextile Resource 1 25
Positron Battery Resource 1 133
Sedative Resource 5 12
Zero Wire Resource 1 52
Digipick Misc 2 35
  • Note that the availability of items might depend on player level and other factors.



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