Hair Trigger

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Hair Trigger
File:Hair Trigger.png
Type Internal
Description Installs a lighter trigger pull for increased Fire Rate.
Crafting Material 3 Platinum, 3 Adhesive, 2 Iridium, 1 Zero Wire
Research Required Internal Mods 1
Weapons Kraken, Maelstrom, Auto-Rivet, AA-99, Beowulf, Breach, Bridger, Magshot, Old Earth Assault Rifle, Old Earth Shotgun, Pacifier, Razorback, Regulator, Shotty, Tombstone, Urban Eagle, XM-2311, Deadeye, Drum Beat, Magpulse, Magshear, Eon, Lawgiver, Old Earth hunting Rifle, Old Earth Pistol, Rattler, Sidestar
Patch 1.0

Hair Trigger is a Internal Weapon Mod.


Installs a lighter trigger pull for increased Fire Rate.

Tips and Tricks


How to Get

Crafting Materials


  • Internal Mods 1


Additional Information



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Amplifier ▪ Bullet Hose ▪ Hair Trigger ▪ High Powered ▪ High Velocity ▪ Overclocked ▪ Precision Tuning