Db - Dubnium

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Db - Dubnium
Name Dubnium
Chemical Formula Db
Atomic Number 105
Type Inorganic Resource
Color (Menu) ???
Color (Game) ???
Color (Real Life) Unknown, likely metallic, silvery white or gray
Rarity Rare
Planet Type ???
Biome ???
Description Dubnium is a synthetic element that is not present in the environment. In the game, it's used in advanced technology and weaponry due to its unique properties.
How to Get ???
Used For ???
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Unknown, likely metallic, silvery white or gray
Patch 1.0

Dubnium (Db) is a Rare Inorganic Resource.

How to Get

Used For

Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Dubnium is a synthetic element with an atomic number of 105. It is not found naturally on Earth and is produced artificially. The most stable isotope, dubnium-268, has a half-life of just over a day.