Ahnjong Sinclair

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Ahnjong Sinclair
File:Ahnjong Sinclair.jpg
Type Vendor
Faction Freestar Collective
Location Akila City
Planet/Moon Akila
Star Systemn Cheyenne System
Number of Items for Sale 25
Types of Items for Sale Note
Patch 1.0

Ahnjong Sinclair is a Vendor NPC.


Players can find Ahnjong Sinclair reading a book on a high stool in one of the buildings in Akila City, which is on the planet Akila in the Cheyenne System.


Additional Information

Items for Sale

Item Type Stock Price
A Tale of Two Cities Note 2 90
Bleak House Note 3 101
Carrie of the Cosmos Note 2 105
Charity in a Godless Universe: Part I Note 4 100
Charity in a Godless Universe: Part II Note 3 100
Charity in a Godless Universe: Part III Note 2 100
Charity in a Godless Universe: Part IV Note 3 100
Chunks Employee Handbook Note 1 86
Crimson Cabin Note 3 90
David Copperfield Note 2 101
Fields of Everglass Note 3 101
Hard Times Note 4 93
My Life, Chunk By Chunk Note 5 90
Neon Gang Culture Note 1 93
Nicholas Nickleby Note 1 90
Oliver Twist Note 4 90
Red Rover, Come Over Note 4 90
Rhapsody on Windy Night Note 1 82
Shadows in the Attic Note 3 93
Ship Repair Fundamentals Note 1 93
Sword of Damocles Note 2 90
The Ancient Civilization of Egypt Note 1 590
The Gravity Paradigm Note 3 105
The Orchid Merchant Note 2 101
The Pickwick Papers Note 3 86
  • Note that the availability of items might depend on player level and other factors.



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