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See also: Temples

Powers aka Space Magic are acquired from Temples.

PowerHow to GetDescriptionCost (Power)
Alien ReanimationLife, gift of the cosmos, granted once more to a fallen alien beast, so that it may serve thankfully.35
Anti-Gravity FieldGenerate a localised field of intense low gravity, and behold a planet's true.45
Create VacuumGut the O2 supply of targets in the area for a duration.25
Creators' PeaceFill your foes with the silent calm of the universe, compelling them to temporarily abandon their weapons.25
EarthboundChange the gravity around you to Earth gravity levels for a duration.15
Elemental PullElements, the true treasure of planet and moon, are drawn to your being.25
Eternal HarvestWhat has blossomed will bloom once more, ripe for the picking.25
Grav DashManipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.15
Gravity WaveEmit a gravitational force strong enough to propel almost anything…or anyone.25
Gravity WellCreate an area of dense gravity that pulls in and crushes everything and everyone in around it.45
Inner DemonForce an enemy to confront their inner demons, creating a mirror image of themselves that attacks them.35
Life ForcedDrain the life force out of a living being and transfer it to yourself.25
Moon FormBecome as strong as stone, rooting yourself in place and increasing your resistance to all damages greatly.35
Parallel SelfFrom across the vast multiverse, a friendly version of yourself arrives, armed and ready to lend aid.45
Particle BeamShoot a beam of pure particle energy that deals high amounts of damage to enemies in front of you.15
Personal AtmosphereOxygen, pure and clean, brought forth to breathe deep and counteract harmful carbon dioxide.45
Phased TimePhase through the normal flow of time and slow down the universe for a duration.45
PrecognitionBend time and glimpse the future, seeing the path someone will walk and the words they may say.35
Reactive ShieldForm a shield of pure cosmic light that can weaken and even reflect enemy projectiles.35
Sense Star StuffBind yourself to the particles of creation, sensing the life force of any human, alien, or Starborn.15
Solar FlareTap into the of a sun and release a directed orb of searing hot plasma.25
Sunless SpaceShoot a ball of ice as cold as space into an area, freezing any living being caught in the blast for a duration.35
SupernovaExplode with the power of a supernova in an area around you, dealing massive damage.45
Void FormChannel the very darkness of space, rendering yourself nearly invisible to those around you.45