One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap is the mission 19 of Main Mission.

One Giant Leap
Starfield OneGiantLeap1 EN.jpg
Type Main Mission
Number 19
Location Buried Temple, the Lodge
Starting NPC Automatically after Revelation
Description I have all the Artifacts, I need to assemble them into the Armillary onboard my ship.
Achievement One Giant Leap (Achievement)
Previous Mission Revelation
Patch 1.0


As the journey in Starfield nears its end, the mission "One Giant Leap" begins automatically after the "Revelation" mission. This mission offers a moment of introspection, allowing players to converse with their Companions and reflect on the experiences, decisions, and friendships forged throughout the game. However, if players are eager to proceed, this conversation can be bypassed.

The next crucial step in the mission is to assemble the Armillary on the ship. This can be done by approaching the main control panel on the ship, where an interaction prompt will appear. Once the Armillary is assembled, it acts as the gateway to the game's finale.

With the Armillary in place, the next task is to power up the ship's grav drive. This action propels the player into a mysterious and seemingly endless void. In this void, a character awaits, ready to provide clarity about the game's narrative and the player's place within it. As the conversation unfolds, ephemeral scenes play out around the void's perimeter, showcasing the fates of various characters encountered during the game. This is especially prevalent if the player decides to venture into Unity at this point.

For players not ready to embrace the game's conclusion, walking away from the central area will safely return them to the familiar confines of their ship. This option allows players to complete any remaining side quests, engage in additional exploration, or simply delay the inevitable.

However, for those ready to see how their story unfolds, they can walk confidently into the center of the void. This decision carries weight, as it triggers the game to restart in New Game Plus (NG+). While the player's inventory is wiped clean, their character retains their acquired levels and perks. As a nod to their accomplishments, they are bequeathed a unique ship and a set of armor. The game narrative jumps past the initial mission, placing the player en route to the Lodge for a fresh start.

The mission "One Giant Leap" not only concludes the mission itself but also brings closure to the overarching narrative of Starfield. Whether players choose to bask in the afterglow of completion or dive right back into the game's universe with NG+, the choices and experiences of their playthrough will surely leave a lasting impact.

Tips and Tricks

  • Choose carefully and save before you decide which way to go in this quest.


Build the Armillary on Your Ship

  • Make your way back to your ship.



Power Up the Grav Drive to jump to the Unity


  • You will now have two choises:
  • Choice 1: Get in your pilot seat and take off. Using your map, you can then Grav Jump to anywhere and you will automatically go to the Unity using the Artifacts in the completed Armillary.
    • Now would be the time to go to the Lodge to say goodbye, if you so choose. See the Objective: "[Optional] Talk to Your Friends Before You Leave"
  • Choice 2: See Objective "Remove the Armillary to Grav Jump Normally"



Remove the Armillary to Grav Jump Normally


[Optional] Talk to Your Friends Before You Leave



Ending Explained

In Starfield, players are on a quest to gather artifacts to build a machine called the Armillary. This machine can transport them to a parallel universe known as "The Infinity," where they are "reborn" as a "Starborn." The game involves interactions with other Starborn, specifically "The Hunter" and "The Emissary," who are also searching for the artifacts with the hope of eventually reaching the "center" of all universes and meeting their creators.

In the end, after collecting all the artifacts, players build the Armillary and use it to teleport to "The Infinity." Here, they encounter a clone of themselves from a different universe. Stepping through a gate of light, they are reborn in a new universe and start anew in a New Game+ mode, retaining only their level and skills. In this new cycle, the locations of the artifacts are randomized, and the quest to rebuild the Armillary begins again.

Throughout the game, players make choices that are reflected in the ending illustrations. These choices involve aligning with either the Hunter or the Emissary, or choosing to go it alone, among other decisions related to faction questlines.

The game leaves several mysteries unresolved. Players never meet the "Creators" of the artifacts or learn the origin of the Armillary. There is also no known "end point" to the cycles of rebirth, leaving players in an infinite loop of gathering artifacts and transitioning to new universes. Overall, the game ends with more questions than answers, suggesting a universe filled with endless possibilities and mysteries.

Additional Information



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