
From Starfield Fans Wiki
Revision as of 01:53, 12 September 2023 by Sneaky pete (talk | contribs)
Type Main Mission
Number 14
Location Luna, Earth
Starting NPC The Emissary
Description The first Grav Drive was developed with the help of NASA, on Earth. I need to find out how this is connected with the artifacts.
Reward 4500 XP, 10200 Credits
Achievement Unearthed (Achievement)
Previous Mission In Their Footsteps
Concurrent Mission Final Glimpses
Next Mission Revelation
Patch 1.0

Unearthed is the mission 14 of Main Mission.


As you gear up your spacecraft for the next adventure, your navigational system pings a new location for you to explore: the Nova Galactic Research Station on Luna. Setting the coordinates, you make the journey and touch down smoothly on the lunar surface.

The first order of business is investigating the research station. Wandering through the cold, metallic halls, you have the option to poke around for some extra lore and items, but the main objective points you toward the Nova Galactic Research computer in the back of a spacious room. You find two critical text files that you pore over, getting the sense that something isn't quite right here.

Your next objective materializes on your HUD, guiding you to play a recording on the roof of the research station. You climb up, navigate your way to a tall mast, and activate the speaker. The hauntingly cryptic recording echoes across the lunar landscape, deepening the mystery.

Suddenly, a new destination is marked: the NASA Launch Tower on Earth. Heading there, you find yourself dwarfed by an immense structure holding up a spaceship. To enter, you scale platforms until you reach an elevator, which is your gateway inside. Keep an eye out for locked rooms and electrical slots along the way. You'll need to find Emergency Power Cells to open certain doors; the effort rewards you with some useful items.

Reaching the middle level, you find a bridge leading to another part of the tower. You cross it and then navigate through a maze of broken catwalks, eventually arriving at the elevator. Unfortunately, it's without power. Using the NASA Access Code you received earlier, you open a door where you find a slot for another Power Cell. Once inserted, the elevator roars to life, and you ascend into the NASA Launch Facility.

Inside the facility, you’re free to wander and pick up more tidbits of lore, but the mission requires you to consult another marked computer. Reading its text files, you delve further into the unfolding story.

Guided by the information, you venture further, eventually finding a personal log named 'Judith – Personal Recording' in a room filled with relics of Earth's space exploration history. You play the log and gain more insight into the puzzle you’re assembling.

Now, you're led underground into a labyrinthine network of tunnels and rooms. Here, you'll encounter unpowered doors that require some electrical problem-solving. Power Cells and switches become your best friends as you work your way through. Eventually, you reach a room filled with high-level security robots and turrets. You have the choice to either dismantle them or make a beeline to a switch that shuts down the automated defenses.

Progressing further, you encounter another computer that provides clues about the mysterious prototype grav drive. Information secured, you venture into a zero-gravity area, where a large circular structure at the bottom level holds the Artifact you're seeking. You use the Maintenance Key to navigate through the stairwell and retrieve the Artifact.

With the Artifact in hand, you now face the task of exiting the complex. Unfortunately, Starborn creatures make this a challenging endeavor. Backtracking becomes a battle for survival. You maneuver through familiar and unfamiliar hallways, powering doors with Emergency Power Cells when necessary.

Finally, you emerge on the surface, greeted by the Hunter and the Emissary. Here, a critical choice confronts you. Both offer their aid in reaching Unity, but allying with one means fighting the other in the final showdown. Choose neither, and you'll have to battle both, an even tougher feat. After making your difficult decision, the mission, Unearthed in Starfield, concludes, setting the stage for the game's grand finale.

Tips and Tricks


Go to Nova Galactic Research Station

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Investigate the Research Station

  • You can enter the station by either of the two external doors. Use the key that the Emissary gave you to unlock the door.

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  • Go to the first desk you see along the right wall.

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  • There is another container through the door to the back. Loot this and then go back into the room you came from.

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  • Before you leave the building go up the stairs to the balcony and loot the containers there. You will need Master Unlocking for one of them.

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  • Go through the door on the left side of the balcony and down the stairs into the next room.

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  • Collect the supplies from the Medical Kit on the wall and loot the container sitting on a crate.

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Play the Recording on the Roof

  • When you are ready, leave the research station and look for a way up to the roof.

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  • The gravity on the moon is lower, so you can easily float your way up to the top of the research station.

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  • Once you are at the top, walk up to the antenna in the center and play the recording.

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Go to NASA

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  • Leave your starship and walk straight towards the NASA lunch area in the distance.

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Find a Way Inside

  • As you get closer you will notice that there doesn't seem to be an entrance or elevator.

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  • Walk underneath the launch pad and you will see a door on a raised area to the right.

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  • The door switch will not activate if you try selecting it. Look to the right and you will see a power receptacle on the wall.

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  • Turn around and look to the left of the door and you will see a power cell laying on the ground. Pick up the cell and walk back to the receptacle.

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  • Place the power cell in the receptacle and it will turn blue, meaning the power is now on.

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  • Go back to the door and hit the switch. Loot the containers inside and go back out. Keep in mind that you will need to power up several doors in NASA.

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  • Now that you have some loot you will notice that the mission marker is a way up the launch pad, but there isn't an elevator to get there. This is where the booster pack comes in handy.
  • You can use the booster pack to fly up to the floors above you, or you can around to the outside of the left part of the launch pad. You will see a staircase leading up to the next floor.

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  • Go right from the top of the stairs and you will see a container. Loot the container and go back to the stairs and turn towards the stacked crates on the left side.
  • Climb up the crates and then use your booster to float up over the rails to the next floor.
  • Go to the right of the stacked crates. There is nothing in this first area so you can head towards the middle of the structure.
  • You will see a bridge, but you can pass it and go around to the left, where you will see a set of stairs going up.
  • Take the stairs and follow the path, which will take you around and above the room you just traveled through.

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  • Walk across the crates to another walkway. You will come to a fork, take the left and jump over the broken part of the path.

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  • You will then come to another fork in the path. If you go right and down the stairs to a small area you will see several containers to open.

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  • Go back to where you were and head left this time. Jump over the hole in the floor and keep following the path around and up to the next floor.
  • Go through the door on the left into another room.
  • Check around the room for a container or two and then head to the second door on the left to go back outside.

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  • Go along the path and turn left. Then turn right and cross the bridge. From here you can jump across the broken floor and walk up to the elevator.

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Enter NASA

  • The power is turned off for this elevator too.
  • Turn around and you will notice a door to the right. Go into the door and loot the containers.

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  • Also inside this room is another power receptacle and a power cell sitting on the floor in front of it. Place the cell into the receptacle and go back to the elevator, which is now powered on.

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Find Information about NASA

  • Walk through this room and to the right of the door to the next room you will notice a research computer.

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Find Information About the Martian Sample

  • Walk around the desk to where the computer is.

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Find Information About the Prototype Grav Drive

  • After accessing the computer, turn around and go back past the elevator to the tall pile of rubble.
  • Look up and notice a pathway above you. Jump up to this pathway and go through the door on your right.

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  • Take another right through a door and go down the stairs.
  • Keep walking forward and you will see a door with the words "LABS" written on the wall next to it. Go through this door and down the pathway to another door on your left.
  • Go through this door and the next door to a room with some science equipment. Walk through the door at the end of this room and then take the next left through the door.
  • You will come into a large room with a descending walkway to further down. Follow this pathway down, collecting the containers on the way.
  • Walk to the only side of this room that has doors and go through the one on the right. This will take you into a small room with cubicles.
  • Travel through the door at the end and into a hallway. Go to the end of the hallway and you will see a caged room on the left and a window of another room on the right.

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  • Keep going to the end of this area and you will get to a staircase that goes down on the left. Take these stairs down.

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  • This area has a door with a switch and a power receptacle on the far end. To open this door, you will need to pick up the power cell and put it into the receptacle.

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  • Once the switch for the door is powered up, open it and walk into a cave. On the right wall is a power switch.

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  • Turn this switch on and then go back up the stairs.
  • Go through the next caged door and right inside the room is a group of containers. Loot these and continue straight into another room. There is another container on your left.
  • Go through the next door to another staircase going down.
  • Enter the door on your right and you will come into a large room with a raised area in the center. Go around the platform, picking the power cell up on the way, and to the other side. Place the power cell into the power receptacle.
  • Keep going around and you will see a large door with a pathway down. Take this pathway and you will get to another leveled area with a door on the right. There is a container in this room that you can grab.

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  • Go back out to the pathway and continue down.

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  • At the bottom you will come to a room with a desk on the far left. Go to the desk and access the research computer and select the "Access Station Logs" and then "December 8, 2141" to complete this objective.

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Find Information About Grav Drive Side Effects

  • Go through the left door behind the research computer. The room on your left is locked. If you have Expert Security you can open this door and loot the container.

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  • Continue straight and through a door that leads to another descending staircase. Take the stairs down and jump across the broken bridge.
  • Walk down the hall and go through the door at the end. You will come into the room containing the next Artifact, but it's enclosed in a machine you cannot access.
  • Follow the platform walkway down and around to the bottom floor of this room. Continue around the platform and collect the items from the container to the left of the door.
  • Go through the door and there will be another two containers on your right and one behind an Expert locked door to your left.
  • You can go to the elevator shaft on the left and down through a door to get another container. Go back up to the last floor.
  • Go through the other door on the left side on the room and up a flight of stairs.

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  • Go through the first door and then turn right and go down the hallway to the door on the end. This will take you to an area that overlooks the room with the Artifact.

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  • Go to the research computer and choose "Access Station Logs" and then choose "September 8, 2160."

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Release the Artifact

  • Hit the button on the right of the desk to open the Artifact chamber.

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  • Before you leave go to the left of this area and unlock an Advanced door to loot some containers.
  • Next you will want to return to the room with the Artifact. Now that you unlocked the chamber you will be attacked by some Starborn. Take them out as you go.

Take the Artifact

  • Walk up to the chamber and select it to release the Artifact. Take it and continue back-tracking through the station, fighting a few more Starborn along the way.

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Leave NASA

  • Back track through the area to get to your ship. You will fight several Starborn along the way.

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Talk to the Emissary

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Complete "Final Glimpses"

Additional Information



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