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{{see also|Features}}
{{see also|Features}}
Outposts are one of the most expansive and multifaceted features in Starfield, allowing players to construct sprawling customized settlements among the stars. These outposts can serve purposes far beyond just being a home away from home - they can be critical hubs for resource generation, scientific research, cargo distribution, workforce exploitation, and much more. In this comprehensive guide, we will dig deep into everything you need to know about building, customizing, managing, defending, and maximizing outposts in Starfield.
[[Outposts]] are one of the most versatile parts of [[Starfield]] that will help with long term play of the game. An outpost serves as both a place to hang your [[spacesuit]] between jumping between systems and a [[resource]] [[gathering]] opportunity. Each outpost has the ability create a stockpile of [[resources]] that will fuel the improvement of [[weapons]], [[spacesuits]], [[ships]], and outposts. It will also create a comfortable place of your choosing to spend a moment catching your breath between fighting [[spacers]], [[scanning]] rocks, and running from aggressive [[alien]] [[creatures]].

===Acquiring the Resources to Build Outposts===
==Finding the Right Spot to Settle==
The majesty of the [[Settled Systems]] is going to be overwhelming at first due to the expanse of cold space, fiery stars, whirling planetary bodies, and the after image of [[ship]] [[engines]]. Whether it is going to be a wintery forest world or a barren husk, finding the right place to put down an outpost is critical. While scenic vistas are great for the aesthetic, it could be that you are looking for a resource that is hard to come by.  You should scan a planet before choosing an outpost location just to make sure it has something to help with continuing to complete goals you have set for yourself.

Before you can even begin constructing an outpost, you need to ensure you have acquired the necessary resources. While basic structures may be available early on, more advanced buildings will require metals, minerals, and other raw materials found throughout Starfield's star systems. Here are some ways to acquire the resources you need:
[[File:outposts getting started1.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Planetside Mining''' - Use hand tools or specialized extraction equipment to mine minerals like iron, lead, titanium, and aluminum from resource deposits across planets and moons.
Select the [[planet]] and run a scan to see the available information for the planet.

- '''Space Mining''' - Release mining probes capable of extracting resources from asteroids, comets, and other space bodies rich with materials.  
[[File:outposts getting started2.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Salvaging''' - Salvage wrecked ships, abandoned outposts, and other technological relics to reclaim metals, alloys, and composites.
You can land once you have found what you were looking for on the planet.

- '''Trading''' - Purchase resources from traders at space stations and cities if you lack time or ability to gather your own.
[[File:outposts getting started3.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Outpost Extractors''' - Place specialized resource extractors at operational outposts to passively generate resources over time.
==Place Down Your Outpost Beacon==
When you've found the correct planet with the right deciding factors, you just need to pick your location to land your [[ship]] and begin settling.

- '''Crew Mining''' - Direct capable companions and crew members to gather resources for you on their assignments.
Once you've settled on a location which can hold your outpost, you will need to select and deploy the [[Outpost Beacon]].

Depending on your playstyle preference, you may choose to actively gather most of your own resources for that satisfying hands-on approach or leverage other methods to focus on designing the outpost itself. Just know that construction will require a steady supply of resources.
[[File:outposts getting started4.jpeg|400px]]

===Choosing an Outpost Location===
Selecting to set down your Outpost Beacon will allow you to place it wherever you wish.

Picking the right location is crucial when establishing an outpost. Here are factors to consider when surveying potential sites:
[[File:outposts getting started5.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Accessible Resources''' - Locations with rich veins of mineable metals/minerals are ideal to fuel your construction. Nearby gas pockets are also beneficial.  
==Begin Building the Outpost==
The first step with building is to put down any [[extractors]] you plan on making use of in the outpost. This can be adjusted later, but a good way to start [[gathering]] [[resources]] is to start [[generating]] them.

- '''Landforms''' - Flat, open areas allow maximum flexibility for structuring your outpost. Caves or overhangs provide shelter. Watch for hazardous geography.
[[File:outposts getting started6.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Environment''' - Evaluate climate, temperature, atmosphere, radiation, gravitic flux and other environmental factors that could impact systems or crew safety.
Make sure to place an extractor down to start generating resources that can be found under your outpost.

- '''Lifeforms''' - Ideally choose areas devoid of dangerous fauna. Some plants/animals can generate productive bio-resources.
[[File:outposts getting started7.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Purpose''' - If focused on research, locate near ruins or anomalies. For farming focus, mineral-rich soil and water access are key. 
With an extractor down, it will need power so you should put something down that begins generating [[power]].

- '''Defensibility''' - Can the location be fortified against threats like pirates? Choke points, visibility and cover are strategic concerns.
[[File:outposts getting started8.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Infrastructure''' - Existing structures/facilities can be incorporated into your outpost. Proximity to spaceship routes enables logistics.
Link the power generator to the extractor. This can be done by holding E on the [[power generator]] and then running the red line to the extractor. Once completed, the extractor will begin extracting.

Survey candidate sites thoroughly before placing your outpost beacon to maximize viability based on your priorities. Some compromise may be necessary to find the perfect spot.
[[File:outposts getting started9.jpeg|400px]]

===Constructing Habitat Modules and Infrastructure===
==Build a Space for Crew to Live==
The next stage of creating an outpost is to build a habitable location. This can be done by placing an [[airlock]] to ensure enclosed, safe place for your [[crew]] and yourself.

Once you've placed your outpost beacon, it's time to start construction. Here are some of the core habitat modules and infrastructure you'll want to erect:
Place down an Airlock

- '''Foundations''' - Basic foundations and walls provide the core structure to build upon. Materials like durasteel allow multi-level buildings.
[[File:outposts getting started10.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Airlocks''' - Airlocks allow controlled access in/out of pressurized interior modules from exterior or non-breathable areas.  
Place a connecting [[hab]] unit to the [[Airlock]].

- '''Life Support''' - Environmental control systems provide breathable air along with comfortable heat, humidity and gravity levels for inhabitants.
[[File:outposts getting started11.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Command Center''' - A dedicated command room with communications and sensor arrays helps coordinate overall outpost operations.
==Place a Crew Station==
Place a [[crew station]] to allow for a [[crew member]] to be stationed at your outpost.

- '''Crew Quarters''' - Build individual quarters for companions and colonists along with communal halls, kitchens and recreation areas.
Once you've stepped into the interior of your first outpost for the first time, you will want to begin decorating. One of the key things to make sure to put down is a [[Crew Station]]. With a crew member present, you can bring hired help to improve production of items, expand your outpost building ability, and many other things.

- '''Medical Bay''' - Essential for treating injuries and illnesses for personnel and biological research specimens.  
Place down a crew station.

- '''Laboratories''' - Research labs allow analysis of specimens and artifacts as well as prototyping of new technologies.
[[File:outposts getting started12.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Workshops''' - Workshops with industrial tools and 3D printers facilitate fabrication, repair and modification projects.
With the crew station down, you will be able to begin assigning hired [[crew members]] to your outpost.

- '''Storage''' - Warehousing modules provide secure bulk storage of equipment, resources, artifacts and other cargo.  
[[File:outposts getting started13.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Power Core''' - Reliable power generation from fusion reactors, solar arrays or other means keep all systems operational.
==Decorate Your Outpost Home==
There are a wide variety of things which can be created and placed in an outpost. There are many sections of the outpost build menu from the decorative to the functional. It is important to take some time to review and figure out what fits your style best.

- '''Defense Systems''' - Shield emitters, point defense batteries, bafflewalls and hardened structures help protect from threats.
*'''[[Storage]]''': This section will allow you to place [[storage containers]] in your outpost so that you can offload anything you've been holding onto. This also includes [[weapon racks]] and [[slate stands]] which hold [[weapons]] and [[weapon slates]].

The modules you construct depend on the specialization of your outpost. A mining outpost would have more industrial infrastructure while a research outpost prioritizes labs. Build modularly to enable future expansion.
[[File:outposts getting started14.jpeg|400px]]

===Expanding with Specialized Outpost Structures===
*'''[[Workbenches]]''': Upgrading your weapons, enhancing your [[spacesuit]], [[crafting]] scrumptious [[meals]], or creating [[aid]] [[pharmaceuticals]], it always saves some time to have access to [[workbenches]] in a place you frequent.
[[File:outposts getting started15.jpeg|400px]]

Once basic operations are established, you can add specialized structures to enhance the capabilities of your outpost:
*'''[[Furnishings]]''': Making your [[hab]] more livable is a goal.  Every crew needs to have somewhere comfy to rest in between their duties.
Make yourself a home.

- '''Hydroponics Bays''' - Grow various alien plants using aqueous solutions and artificial lighting for organic resources.
[[File:outposts getting started16.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Alien Containment''' - Secure holding pens house captured alien creatures. Useful for harvesting bio-resources.
At the end of the outpost creation, the idea is to create a functional place that feels like you made it and it is some place you will receive value for taking the time to implement.

- '''Refineries''' - Refine raw ores into concentrated ingots or distill biofluids into useful materials.  
==Tips and Tricks==
Creating a home among the stars can be a daunting task, but there are some key factors that will help with the decision making process. This will help properly inform those choices being made and will allow you to get the most of our your outpost in both comfort and efficiency.

- '''Sensor Arrays''' - Detection grids consisting of radar, lidar and subspace scanners provide local early warning.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks1.jpeg|400px]]
===Save before you begin editing your Outpost===
The careful consideration and placement of [[hab units]], [[extractors]], [[decorations]], [[power generators]], and the numerous other [[items]] can become daunting when first starting out in building your footholds in the [[Settled Systems]].  

- '''Shield Projectors''' - Reinforce defensive shields against threats from orbital bombardment, small arms fire or radiation.
No matter where you're building, from a lifeless [[moon]] with no [[atmosphere]] to a flourishing [[forest]] [[planet]], it is key to start with the understanding that you should save before making serious edits to your Outpost.  

- '''Drone Bays''' - Fabricate and house utility, research and defense drones for enhanced automation and security.
===Location, location, location===
You can build in most places that you land your [[ship]] on. Before placing your Outpost, [[scan]] a planet from [[Space]] and see what is available. Land on the planet where the [[resources]] look the most prevalent and aim to place your Outpost where the resources are most abundant. In general, [[planets]] that have an abundance of [[flora]] and [[fauna]] will typically have a fair number of resources. Aim for key resources such as [[Aluminum]], [[Lead]], [[Iron]] and [[Nickel]].

- '''Teleporters''' - Matter teleporters allow instant transport between locations on or off world as permitted by fuel reserves.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks2.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Garages''' - Docks provide maintenance, fueling and charging for small craft like shuttlecraft and exosuits.
===Setup a Beacon===
One of the important parts of an Outpost is the beacon that is placed as the very first step of the whole process. This [[beacon]] outlines the far edges of the Outpost you're forming from the raw materials you've brought to the far away part of the [[Settled Systems]]. The beacon, while at first being the center of your new domain, is also where you will spawn into the Outpost when your [[ship]] returns from the [[stars]]. This item can be moved anywhere once the Outpost has been created.
*You can place the [[Outpost Beacon]] next to the [[airlocked entrance]] to your [[structures]] is a good suggestion.
*You can also place it near your mineral extractors for quick gathering is also a good option when considering placement.
*You can even place it near your [[ship landing pad]] to maximize your immersion of landing and visiting your home away from all other worlds.
No matter where you find the most intriguing place, you can always return to the Outpost Beacon to delete or rename your Outpost.Be sure to place it right where you would find traveling there most useful when returning home.

- '''Armory''' - Securely store a wide range of small arms, heavy weapons and explosives for defense.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks3.jpeg|400px]]
===Setup a Landing Pad===
While you can land your [[Starship]] at various [[locations]] on a planet, an Outpost will allow you to build a [[Landing Pad]] and provide a targeted [[landing spot]]. The Landing Pad will allow you to land directly at your Outpost instead of possibly landing near the settlement which may mean a run to the ship is longer than expected.

- '''Training Grounds''' - Obstacle courses, target ranges and gymnasiums allow personnel combat training.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks4.jpeg|400px]]

The specialized facilities above represent just a sampling of possibilities. The modularity of outpost construction allows your settlement to be uniquely tailored over time based on need.
Some of these [[landing pads]] have benefits and restrictions so be sure to build what suits your needs. Some of these enable the ability to transfer your ship's inventory straight to your Outpost storage.

===Installing Decorations and Customizations===
===Make sure you have the right tools for the job===
There are a great many resources that are needed to build an outpost. The resources can be from the raw materials you've found along your journey or specially tailored materials made at the [[Industrial Workbench]]. There are some specific resources that will be used quite a lot more, especially at the start of your Outpost. Some of these resources to keep an eye out for are:
*'''[[Aluminum]]''': This resource is going to be used for everything from the living [[habs]] you place down to decorate to the airlock that gets you into the outpost. You should have a lot of it on hand.
*'''[[Lead]]''': This resource becomes a little more specialized but can be found as a key ingredient in [[turrets]] and other living hab units.
*'''[[Iron]]''': This resource is used in [[workbenches]] and weapon related objects.
*'''[[Copper]]''': This resource is also used in workbenches and weapon related objects.
*'''[[Nickel]]''': This resource is used for adding [[crew stations]] to your outpost and setting up [[extractors]] for more [[resource gathering]]. You can also find it at use in [[wind turbines]].
Most of these are easily found on planets by traversing the planetary surfaces where these resources are flagged as available. When creating an outpost, you are going to have to fill your pockets with [[minerals]].

While functionality is important, aesthetics contribute greatly to the feeling of your outpost being a home. Here are some tips for decorating and adding personal flair:
[[File:outposts tips and tricks5.jpeg|400px]]
===Extract extra value from your Outpost===
One of the best reasons to place an Outpost is not just for the possible scenic sunrises and tropical breezes, but so you can take advantage of the [[natural resources]] of the planet you've settled.  With the correct type of extractor, you can pull resources from the Settled Systems and fill your [[storage]] with valuable resources which can be used to enhance [[weapons]], [[spacesuits]], and expanding your Outpost.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks6.jpeg|400px]]
There are three different kinds of extractors that can be built at your outpost. If you've set up on a vein of minerals that you want to exploit, you can put down a [[solid]], [[liquid]], or [[gas]] [[extractor]] depending upon what you're trying to produce.

- Display trophies, artifacts and other rare finds from your explorations in secured cases.
===Everything has a place...===
...and everything is best when its in its place. One of the things a traveler of the Settled Systems is going to note is that you will pick up a gargantuan amount of [[objects]]. From resources like [[aluminum]] and [[iron]] to the [[guns]] you shoot [[lead]] from, there is going to be a lot of [[mass]] being moved from [[planet]] to planet. Whether you have a sandwich stack or prefer to have a [[fridge]] to place items of note, there are several different kinds of containers that can be placed and used to hold those valuable and not so valuable items that you cannot pass along to the [[Trade Authority]].

- Craft art pieces like wall hangings, sculptures and fountains using resources and tools from across the systems.  
[[Weapon Racks]] can be placed to hold weapons of all kinds.

- Grow alien indoor plants to add natural ambience and purify air. Examples include azure fronds, violet tendrils and zero-g orbtrees.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks7.jpeg|400px]]
[[Mannequins]] can be placed to show off the most fetching outfits you've cobbled together from [[Spacer]] pillaging.

- Install holographic dioramas depicting stunning alien vistas or moments from history for an ambient showpiece.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks8.jpeg|400px]]
Standard [[chests]] and [[crates]] of a wide variety can be placed to just dump everything into.

- Fabricate furniture like chairs, tables, beds and storage customized to owner preferences using material synthesizers.  
[[File:outposts tips and tricks9.jpeg|400px]]
[[Display Cases]] can be set up to show of truly treasure objects that are worthy of being locked behind a glass wall.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks10.jpeg|400px]]

- Rearrange bulkhead segments to divide large open areas into specialized rooms and custom layouts.
With the [[storage]] capabilities of an Outpost (or many), you don't have to carry everything around with you all the time... even if your starship's cargo hold is big enough.

- Project external holographic imagery onto walls to simulate windows with customizable or animated views.
===Invest the learned skills and gathered resources from your adventures to expand your Outpost capabilities===
If you are looking to maximize the effectiveness and really build up the capabilities of your Outpost, one of the most important things to spend your hard-earned [[Skill Points]] in [[Outpost Engineering]]. This skill category is found under the Advanced [[Science Skills]] which does require some investment but will expand the number of items used to furnish your Outpost. To make full use of those skill points, you will need to make use of the [[Research Station]] to explore and discover the various uses of the learned knowledge from [[Outpost Engineering]]. Stations to add to your Outpost to improve your gameplay:

- Display armor suits, vintage weapons or other prized gear on stands and mounts as decorative exhibits.
*'''[[Research Lab]]''': This will aid you in obtaining new [[prefabricated builds]], improving selection of [[crafting]] [[items]] like [[Robotics]] and [[Hydroponics]].

Take time to personalize utilitarian spaces using creative touches to make the outpost truly feel like home. A mood-lit hydroponics bay or art-adorned command center makes routine work more enjoyable. 
[[File:outposts tips and tricks11.jpeg|400px]]

===Managing Outpost Operations===
*'''[[Work Benches]]''': Allows you to make adjusts to [[weapons]], [[spacesuits]], [[cook]], and other important [[skills]] you will use in your journey through the Settled Systems.

Successfully operating an outpost requires keeping key systems running smoothly:
[[File:outposts tips and tricks12.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Power Management''' – Balance generation from reactors, solar, turbines and cells with consumption. Upgrade sources and use batteries.
*'''[[Crew Station]]''': Grants you the ability to assign [[crew members]] to Outposts and help in your respective area of expertise.

- '''Life Support''' – Monitor air quality, temperature, gravity, radiation shielding and agriculture/water systems. Expand as needed.  
[[File:outposts tips and tricks13.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Research Coordination''' – Set project priorities and allocate resources appropriately. Solid discoveries generate new opportunities.
===The Right Person for the Job===
Managing the members of crew who work the Outpost you've created is key to making it run efficiently. These individuals help make it run smoothly.
*'''[[Outpost Crew]]''': These crew members have specialized areas of expertise ranging from Defensive measures to [[Basic Management]] of operations.
*'''[[Outpost Robots]]''': Whether to help with production of goods, tend plants, or just keep the place clean, you can also build robots to aid in the sustainability of the outpost.

- '''Production Oversight''' – Regularly check output from mining, refining, manufacturing and hydroponics. Address any bottlenecks.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks14.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Personnel well-being''' – Ensure crew get appropriate rest, recreation and healthcare. Morale directly impacts productivity.
You can also expand the [[Crew]] options available at an outpost by spending skill points in the [[Outpost Management]] which can be found under the Social category.

- '''Facility Maintenance''' – Keep all structures, machinery and systems well-maintained and repaired via skilled technicians.  
===Bringing Power to your Outpost has never been easier===
[[Objects]] that require [[power]], like [[lights]], [[defensive weaponry]], and other items are going to need to be connected to a [[power generator]]. While there are several different options for generating power (be it from using the [[natural light]] of a [[sun]], the fierce [[winds]] of your world, or even burning abundant [[fuels]]), it can be concerning about placing items carefully when trying to setup [[lights]] in just the right way. Thankfully with the wondrous sciences of the Settled Systems, all outputs that require power are wireless and just need to be connected directly to the power generator to be given [[electrical life]].

- '''Defensive Readiness''' – Conduct regular readiness drills. Stock ample provisions and munitions. Address any vulnerabilities.
[[File:outposts tips and tricks15.jpeg|400px]]

- '''Expansion Planning''' – Construct new modules in a well-conceived manner. judicious cost/benefit analysis avoids waste.
*'''[[Solar Array]]''': Best used on [[planets]] with a lot of [[light exposure]] (planets with little to no [[atmosphere]] are among these)
*'''[[Wind Turbine]]''': Best used on planets with a [[thick atmosphere]] or planets that have little light exposure/ longer [[night]] cycle.
Effective outpost management requires assessing status across all areas and decisively resolving any critical issues before they escalate.
*'''[[Fuel Generator]]''': Best used for planets with [[extreme conditions]] that may not have an abundance of light, lack of atmosphere or a combination of both, while it puts out the most power you will want to be sure not to run out of fuel to power it.
===Defending Outposts from Threats===
The wealth an outpost generates can make it a target for nefarious groups like pirates, raiders and syndicates. Here are some key methods to secure your settlement:
- '''Fortified Architecture''' – Use sturdy materials like durasteel bulkheads. Minimal exterior windows limits vulnerabilties. Control sightlines.
- '''Shielding''' – Maintain full coverage shield projection to resist energy weapons, physical attacks and radiation. 
- '''Point Defenses''' – Deploy sensor-guided turrets with anti-vehicle and anti-personnel weapons to counter inbound threats.
- '''Decoys''' – Launch holographic or sensor decoys that confuse or distract incoming attacks from real assets.
- '''Mines''' – Surround approaches with networks of anti-vehicle and anti-personnel mines to limit routes and soften attacks.
- '''Patrols''' – Frequently patrol the surrounding region in scout ships to deter nefarious groups from ever approaching.
- '''Wardiving''' – Routinely hack networks of pirates, syndicates and corporations to gain intelligence about any planned raids.
- '''Allies''' – Establish mutual defense agreements with factions to gain assistance protecting each other’s outposts.
- '''Escape Plans''' – Have protocols and ships ready for emergency evacuation if defenses are ever compromised.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - invest heavily in defenses now to avoid disasters later. Outposts cannot thrive without security.
===Maximizing Profits Through Outpost Specialization===
For capitalist-minded entrepreneurs, optimizing an outpost's profit generation is a top priority. Here are profitable specializations to consider pursuing:
- '''Mining''' – Extraction and processing of rare minerals found in surrounding regions can produce vast profits. Site near mineral veins to maximize productivity.
- '''Manufacturing''' – Use local resources to mass produce profitable items like patents meds or munitions with high markup potential.
- '''Biotech''' – Genetic enhancement and cloning of exotic alien species produce unique bio-resources obtainable nowhere else.
- '''Zero-G Industry''' – Zero gravity construction enables building megastructures impossible on planets, which sell to highest bidders.
- '''Smuggling''' – Use remote, hidden outposts on borders of uncontrolled systems to store and transfer illegal cargo discreetly.
- '''Gambling''' – Construct a lavish resort outpost with [[casino]]s, venues and vice dens to attract wealthy patrons from across the systems.
- '''Banking''' – Establish offshore accounts, currency exchanges and investment services protected by privacy laws from shady systems.
- '''Pleasure Palace''' – Provide exclusive adult entertainment services that cater to eclectic alien tastes and vices. Extremely profitable but morally questionable.
The opportunities for profit are only limited by your moral flexibility and economic ruthlessness. Specialize intelligently and the billions will flow in.
===Resource Generation=== 
In addition to providing shelter and research capabilities, outposts also serve as production hubs for valuable resources:
====Raw Material Harvesting====
* Surface Extractors can harvest common minerals, metals, and elements over time 
* Extractors are placed near detected mineral deposits identified by surveying
* Mining rigs can be built to access buried resources like ore veins
* Oil wells and natural gas extractors can tap into fossil fuel reservoirs
* Resource quantities depend on the natural abundances present around the outpost
* Hydroponic habs enable growing alien plants, fungi, and other lifeforms
* Different crops can be cultivated based on discovered flora across planets 
* Biologists can research plant genetics to optimize crop yields and growth times
* Resources are harvested from plants via techniques like milking, tapping, and sustainable gathering
====Creature Husbandry====
* Alien creatures can potentially be kept at outposts as livestock
* Livestock can be bred and raised specifically for harvesting resources 
* Examples include grazing creatures, insects, and other invertebrates
* Requires zoologists to learn creature husbandry practices and optimal breeding
* Pens, habitats, and food sources must be provided for livestock
* Animals are processed for resources like hide, meat, secretions, eggs, etc.
====Processing & Production====
* Collected raw resources can be processed and refined into usable materials
* Metals can be smelted into ingots, alloys formed by alloying, gases condensed and collected
* Organic resources can be processed into materials like textiles and consumables 
* Advanced fabrication capabilities can use refined resources to produce items
* Technicians optimize processing operations and yields

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[[Category:Features]] [[Category:Pre-release Speculation]]

Latest revision as of 22:34, 7 September 2023

See also: Features


Outposts are one of the most versatile parts of Starfield that will help with long term play of the game. An outpost serves as both a place to hang your spacesuit between jumping between systems and a resource gathering opportunity. Each outpost has the ability create a stockpile of resources that will fuel the improvement of weapons, spacesuits, ships, and outposts. It will also create a comfortable place of your choosing to spend a moment catching your breath between fighting spacers, scanning rocks, and running from aggressive alien creatures.

Finding the Right Spot to Settle

The majesty of the Settled Systems is going to be overwhelming at first due to the expanse of cold space, fiery stars, whirling planetary bodies, and the after image of ship engines. Whether it is going to be a wintery forest world or a barren husk, finding the right place to put down an outpost is critical. While scenic vistas are great for the aesthetic, it could be that you are looking for a resource that is hard to come by. You should scan a planet before choosing an outpost location just to make sure it has something to help with continuing to complete goals you have set for yourself.

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Select the planet and run a scan to see the available information for the planet.

Outposts getting started2.jpeg

You can land once you have found what you were looking for on the planet.

Outposts getting started3.jpeg

Place Down Your Outpost Beacon

When you've found the correct planet with the right deciding factors, you just need to pick your location to land your ship and begin settling.

Once you've settled on a location which can hold your outpost, you will need to select and deploy the Outpost Beacon.

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Selecting to set down your Outpost Beacon will allow you to place it wherever you wish.

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Begin Building the Outpost

The first step with building is to put down any extractors you plan on making use of in the outpost. This can be adjusted later, but a good way to start gathering resources is to start generating them.

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Make sure to place an extractor down to start generating resources that can be found under your outpost.

Outposts getting started7.jpeg

With an extractor down, it will need power so you should put something down that begins generating power.

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Link the power generator to the extractor. This can be done by holding E on the power generator and then running the red line to the extractor. Once completed, the extractor will begin extracting.

Outposts getting started9.jpeg

Build a Space for Crew to Live

The next stage of creating an outpost is to build a habitable location. This can be done by placing an airlock to ensure enclosed, safe place for your crew and yourself.

Place down an Airlock

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Place a connecting hab unit to the Airlock.

Outposts getting started11.jpeg

Place a Crew Station

Place a crew station to allow for a crew member to be stationed at your outpost.

Once you've stepped into the interior of your first outpost for the first time, you will want to begin decorating. One of the key things to make sure to put down is a Crew Station. With a crew member present, you can bring hired help to improve production of items, expand your outpost building ability, and many other things.

Place down a crew station.

Outposts getting started12.jpeg

With the crew station down, you will be able to begin assigning hired crew members to your outpost.

Outposts getting started13.jpeg

Decorate Your Outpost Home

There are a wide variety of things which can be created and placed in an outpost. There are many sections of the outpost build menu from the decorative to the functional. It is important to take some time to review and figure out what fits your style best.

Outposts getting started14.jpeg

Outposts getting started15.jpeg

  • Furnishings: Making your hab more livable is a goal. Every crew needs to have somewhere comfy to rest in between their duties.

Make yourself a home.

Outposts getting started16.jpeg

At the end of the outpost creation, the idea is to create a functional place that feels like you made it and it is some place you will receive value for taking the time to implement.

Tips and Tricks

Creating a home among the stars can be a daunting task, but there are some key factors that will help with the decision making process. This will help properly inform those choices being made and will allow you to get the most of our your outpost in both comfort and efficiency.

Outposts tips and tricks1.jpeg

Save before you begin editing your Outpost

The careful consideration and placement of hab units, extractors, decorations, power generators, and the numerous other items can become daunting when first starting out in building your footholds in the Settled Systems.

No matter where you're building, from a lifeless moon with no atmosphere to a flourishing forest planet, it is key to start with the understanding that you should save before making serious edits to your Outpost.

Location, location, location

You can build in most places that you land your ship on. Before placing your Outpost, scan a planet from Space and see what is available. Land on the planet where the resources look the most prevalent and aim to place your Outpost where the resources are most abundant. In general, planets that have an abundance of flora and fauna will typically have a fair number of resources. Aim for key resources such as Aluminum, Lead, Iron and Nickel.

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Setup a Beacon

One of the important parts of an Outpost is the beacon that is placed as the very first step of the whole process. This beacon outlines the far edges of the Outpost you're forming from the raw materials you've brought to the far away part of the Settled Systems. The beacon, while at first being the center of your new domain, is also where you will spawn into the Outpost when your ship returns from the stars. This item can be moved anywhere once the Outpost has been created.

  • You can place the Outpost Beacon next to the airlocked entrance to your structures is a good suggestion.
  • You can also place it near your mineral extractors for quick gathering is also a good option when considering placement.
  • You can even place it near your ship landing pad to maximize your immersion of landing and visiting your home away from all other worlds.

No matter where you find the most intriguing place, you can always return to the Outpost Beacon to delete or rename your Outpost.Be sure to place it right where you would find traveling there most useful when returning home.

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Setup a Landing Pad

While you can land your Starship at various locations on a planet, an Outpost will allow you to build a Landing Pad and provide a targeted landing spot. The Landing Pad will allow you to land directly at your Outpost instead of possibly landing near the settlement which may mean a run to the ship is longer than expected.

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Some of these landing pads have benefits and restrictions so be sure to build what suits your needs. Some of these enable the ability to transfer your ship's inventory straight to your Outpost storage.

Make sure you have the right tools for the job

There are a great many resources that are needed to build an outpost. The resources can be from the raw materials you've found along your journey or specially tailored materials made at the Industrial Workbench. There are some specific resources that will be used quite a lot more, especially at the start of your Outpost. Some of these resources to keep an eye out for are:

  • Aluminum: This resource is going to be used for everything from the living habs you place down to decorate to the airlock that gets you into the outpost. You should have a lot of it on hand.
  • Lead: This resource becomes a little more specialized but can be found as a key ingredient in turrets and other living hab units.
  • Iron: This resource is used in workbenches and weapon related objects.
  • Copper: This resource is also used in workbenches and weapon related objects.
  • Nickel: This resource is used for adding crew stations to your outpost and setting up extractors for more resource gathering. You can also find it at use in wind turbines.

Most of these are easily found on planets by traversing the planetary surfaces where these resources are flagged as available. When creating an outpost, you are going to have to fill your pockets with minerals.

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Extract extra value from your Outpost

One of the best reasons to place an Outpost is not just for the possible scenic sunrises and tropical breezes, but so you can take advantage of the natural resources of the planet you've settled. With the correct type of extractor, you can pull resources from the Settled Systems and fill your storage with valuable resources which can be used to enhance weapons, spacesuits, and expanding your Outpost.

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There are three different kinds of extractors that can be built at your outpost. If you've set up on a vein of minerals that you want to exploit, you can put down a solid, liquid, or gas extractor depending upon what you're trying to produce.

Everything has a place...

...and everything is best when its in its place. One of the things a traveler of the Settled Systems is going to note is that you will pick up a gargantuan amount of objects. From resources like aluminum and iron to the guns you shoot lead from, there is going to be a lot of mass being moved from planet to planet. Whether you have a sandwich stack or prefer to have a fridge to place items of note, there are several different kinds of containers that can be placed and used to hold those valuable and not so valuable items that you cannot pass along to the Trade Authority.

Weapon Racks can be placed to hold weapons of all kinds.

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Mannequins can be placed to show off the most fetching outfits you've cobbled together from Spacer pillaging.

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Standard chests and crates of a wide variety can be placed to just dump everything into.

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Display Cases can be set up to show of truly treasure objects that are worthy of being locked behind a glass wall.

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With the storage capabilities of an Outpost (or many), you don't have to carry everything around with you all the time... even if your starship's cargo hold is big enough.

Invest the learned skills and gathered resources from your adventures to expand your Outpost capabilities

If you are looking to maximize the effectiveness and really build up the capabilities of your Outpost, one of the most important things to spend your hard-earned Skill Points in Outpost Engineering. This skill category is found under the Advanced Science Skills which does require some investment but will expand the number of items used to furnish your Outpost. To make full use of those skill points, you will need to make use of the Research Station to explore and discover the various uses of the learned knowledge from Outpost Engineering. Stations to add to your Outpost to improve your gameplay:

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The Right Person for the Job

Managing the members of crew who work the Outpost you've created is key to making it run efficiently. These individuals help make it run smoothly.

  • Outpost Crew: These crew members have specialized areas of expertise ranging from Defensive measures to Basic Management of operations.
  • Outpost Robots: Whether to help with production of goods, tend plants, or just keep the place clean, you can also build robots to aid in the sustainability of the outpost.

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You can also expand the Crew options available at an outpost by spending skill points in the Outpost Management which can be found under the Social category.

Bringing Power to your Outpost has never been easier

Objects that require power, like lights, defensive weaponry, and other items are going to need to be connected to a power generator. While there are several different options for generating power (be it from using the natural light of a sun, the fierce winds of your world, or even burning abundant fuels), it can be concerning about placing items carefully when trying to setup lights in just the right way. Thankfully with the wondrous sciences of the Settled Systems, all outputs that require power are wireless and just need to be connected directly to the power generator to be given electrical life.

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