Lr - Lawrencium

Revision as of 20:11, 3 August 2023 by Neon street rat (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Resource Infobox |Image = File:Lr.jpg |Name = Lawrencium |Chemical Formula = Lr |Atomic Number = 103 |Color (Menu) = ??? |Color (Game) = ??? |Color (Real Life) = Silver (Presumed) |Rarity = Extremely Rare |Type = Synthetic |Planet Type = ??? |Biome = ??? |Description = Lawrencium is a synthetic chemical element that is not found naturally on Earth. In the game, it's used in advanced technology and weaponry due to its unique properties. |Appearance (Game) = ??? |Appeara...")
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Lawrencium (Lr) is a Extremely Rare Synthetic.

Lr - Lawrencium
Name Lawrencium
Chemical Formula Lr
Atomic Number 103
Type Synthetic
Color (Menu) ???
Color (Game) ???
Color (Real Life) Silver (Presumed)
Rarity Extremely Rare
Planet Type ???
Biome ???
Description Lawrencium is a synthetic chemical element that is not found naturally on Earth. In the game, it's used in advanced technology and weaponry due to its unique properties.
How to Get ???
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Presumed to be a silvery metal, but only a few atoms have ever been produced
Patch 1.0

How to Get

Used For

Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Lawrencium is a synthetic chemical element with the symbol Lr and atomic number 103. It is named in honor of Ernest O. Lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron, a device that was used to discover many artificial radioactive elements.