Pack Mods

From Starfield Fans Wiki
Revision as of 21:33, 5 September 2023 by Starfield (talk | contribs)
See also: Armor Mods
Pack ModDescriptionCrafting MaterialResearch Required
Balanced BoostpackBootspack with balanced power output1 Zero-G Gimbal
2 Monopropellant
1 Microsecond Regulator
1 Zero Wire
Pack Mods 3
Basic BoostpackEntry-level boostpack1 Monopropellant
2 Beryllium
Emergency AidAdministers emergency aid when health is low. Recharges a short time after use2 Heart +
3 Sedative
2 Trauma Pack
Extra CapacityIncreases carrying capacity by 10 kilograms3 Polymer
3 Aluminum
2 Sealant
Pack Mods 2
Hazard ProtectionIncreases resistance to Airborne, Thermal, Corrosive, and Radiation hazards2 Biosuppressant
1 Isotopic Coolant
2 Lead
1 Molecular Sieve
Pack Mods 3
MedicAid items restore additional health and heal more quickly2 Analgesic
2 Med Pack
Pack Mods 1
Oxygen Reserve+10% oxygen capacity1 Reactive Gauge
1 Mag Pressure Tank
Power BoostpackBootspack with increased power output, ideal for navigating high-gravity enviroments1 Zero-G Gimbal
3 Monopropellant
1 Tau Grade Rheostat
3 Beryllium
Pack Mods 3
RegenerationSlowly regenerate health outside of combat1 Positron Battery
3 Amino Acids
3 Hypercatalyst
2 Emergency Kit
Pack Mods 3
Skip Capacity BoostpackBootspack with low-duration, high-intensity output, sacrificing boost height for mobility1 Zero-G Gimbal
2 Monopropellant
2 Beryllium
Pack Mods 2