
From Starfield Fans Wiki
Type Main Mission
Number 14
Level ?????
Requirement Complete In Their Footsteps
Location Landing Site Nova Galactic Research Station on Planet Luna (Moon of Earth) of Sol
Starting NPC The Emissary
Description The Emissary has given me a key to a base on Luna, Earth’s Moon, saying I’ll learn more about the Artifacts if I investigate.
Reward 4500 XP, 10200 Credits
Achievement Unearthed (Achievement)
Previous Mission In Their Footsteps
Next Mission Final Glimpses
Patch 1.0

Unearthed is the mission 14 of Main Mission.


As you gear up your spacecraft for the next adventure, your navigational system pings a new location for you to explore: the Nova Galactic Research Station on Luna. Setting the coordinates, you make the journey and touch down smoothly on the lunar surface.

The first order of business is investigating the research station. Wandering through the cold, metallic halls, you have the option to poke around for some extra lore and items, but the main objective points you toward the Nova Galactic Research computer in the back of a spacious room. You find two critical text files that you pore over, getting the sense that something isn't quite right here.

Your next objective materializes on your HUD, guiding you to play a recording on the roof of the research station. You climb up, navigate your way to a tall mast, and activate the speaker. The hauntingly cryptic recording echoes across the lunar landscape, deepening the mystery.

Suddenly, a new destination is marked: the NASA Launch Tower on Earth. Heading there, you find yourself dwarfed by an immense structure holding up a spaceship. To enter, you scale platforms until you reach an elevator, which is your gateway inside. Keep an eye out for locked rooms and electrical slots along the way. You'll need to find Emergency Power Cells to open certain doors; the effort rewards you with some useful items.

Reaching the middle level, you find a bridge leading to another part of the tower. You cross it and then navigate through a maze of broken catwalks, eventually arriving at the elevator. Unfortunately, it's without power. Using the NASA Access Code you received earlier, you open a door where you find a slot for another Power Cell. Once inserted, the elevator roars to life, and you ascend into the NASA Launch Facility.

Inside the facility, you’re free to wander and pick up more tidbits of lore, but the mission requires you to consult another marked computer. Reading its text files, you delve further into the unfolding story.

Guided by the information, you venture further, eventually finding a personal log named 'Judith – Personal Recording' in a room filled with relics of Earth's space exploration history. You play the log and gain more insight into the puzzle you’re assembling.

Now, you're led underground into a labyrinthine network of tunnels and rooms. Here, you'll encounter unpowered doors that require some electrical problem-solving. Power Cells and switches become your best friends as you work your way through. Eventually, you reach a room filled with high-level security robots and turrets. You have the choice to either dismantle them or make a beeline to a switch that shuts down the automated defenses.

Progressing further, you encounter another computer that provides clues about the mysterious prototype grav drive. Information secured, you venture into a zero-gravity area, where a large circular structure at the bottom level holds the Artifact you're seeking. You use the Maintenance Key to navigate through the stairwell and retrieve the Artifact.

With the Artifact in hand, you now face the task of exiting the complex. Unfortunately, Starborn creatures make this a challenging endeavor. Backtracking becomes a battle for survival. You maneuver through familiar and unfamiliar hallways, powering doors with Emergency Power Cells when necessary.

Finally, you emerge on the surface, greeted by the Hunter and the Emissary. Here, a critical choice confronts you. Both offer their aid in reaching Unity, but allying with one means fighting the other in the final showdown. Choose neither, and you'll have to battle both, an even tougher feat. After making your difficult decision, the mission, Unearthed in Starfield, concludes, setting the stage for the game's grand finale.


1. Go to Nova Galactic Research Station

2. Investigate the research station

3. Play the recording on the roof

4. Go to NASA

5. Find a way inside

6. Enter NASA

7. Find information about NASA

8. Find information about the Martian sample

9. Find information about the prototype grav drive

10. Find information about the grav drive side effects

11. Release the Artifact

12. Take the Artifact

13. Leave NASA

14. Talk to the Emissary

15. Complete “Final Glimpses”

Additional Information



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