Ta - Tantalum

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Revision as of 13:05, 30 August 2023 by Starfield (talk | contribs)
Ta - Tantalum
Name Tantalum
Chemical Formula Ta
Atomic Number 73
Type Inorganic Resource
Color (Menu) ???
Color (Game) ???
Color (Real Life) Blue-gray, shiny
Rarity Rare
Planet Type ???
Biome ???
Description Tantalum is a rare, hard, blue-gray, lustrous transition metal that is highly corrosion-resistant. In the game, it's used in the manufacture of advanced technology, including spacecraft components and energy weapons.
Where to Find Tau Ceti VIII-b
How to Get ???
Used For ???
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Shiny, blue-gray metal
Patch 1.0

Tantalum (Ta) is a Rare Inorganic Resource.

How to Get

Used For

Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Tantalum is used in the manufacture of electronic components, due to its ability to hold a high electrical charge. It is also used in surgical instruments and implants, as it does not react with bodily fluids.