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Line 230: Line 230:
* you think I'm a pushover
* you think I'm a pushover
* nice words but they don't change anything
* nice words but they don't change anything
* I really doubt it my friend.
* Please, surely we can work something out instead of resorting to violence.
* Miss McKinney and I have a good working relationship.
* I am the dreamer and she is the Thinker.
* I'm afraid it is.
* I'd like to think so.
* I'm sorry my friend, but I can be very stubborn.
* Here to purchase some mining Goods?
* Let me know if you need any assistance with the Flyers.
* Knowing that no one's been alone with their troubles is just what everyone needed to hear.
* And now they're rising to the occasion.
* I hear you.
* I appreciate your kindness.
* I don't think anyone else in neon would have helped me hand out those flyers.
* No way, it's my ass if something goes wrong here.
* Please, if you change your mind, take the slates.
* It would mean so much.
* You know what, you're wasting my time.
* I am not going to lie to you my friend, it does not look good.
* I really hope so.
* Do you really mean that?
* You don't scare me.
* It was good of you to stop by my friend.
* Then it seems we are at an impasse my friend.
* The way I see it, you need what I am offering more than I need what you're paying.
* I don't think so.
* That e is true.
* I could even add the interest to the calculation.
* Oh, I did not know she felt this way.
* It has been a struggle my friend.
* I'm hoping that some last-ditch efforts will help turn things around.
* You're starting to make a lot of sense.
* We must unify, band together, and help each other out.
* Then, when one of us falls, the others can reach down and help him rise from the dust.
* Look, I'd like to help, but is anything wrong my friend?
* Nothing would make me happier.
* No, it is not that simple.
* I really hope so.
* Tell her I will accept her generosity and I will find a way to repay her kindness.
* Oh my God, I do agree.
* Celt Corp has more than they can earn or spend.
* Hey, give that back.
* I think you may be right.
* Don't get ahead of yourself.
* Someone help me.
* Oh goodness, that was a bad joke my friend.
* But I thank you for the sentiment nonetheless.
* But I will not let it weigh on my conscience.
* You know what, you might be—wait, no, what am I saying?
* Thank you, Miss Morgan.
* Hey, give it back.
* You can tell Miss McKenna—I mean, Chloe—that I accept her offer.
* I don't see how.
* Stop trying to confuse me.
* If only I had someone, perhaps like yourself, that would be able to assist me, I might be able to get back on my feet.
* Please, I don't have time for this.
* I'm just doing my job, you know.
* I'm sure you're only up and up.
* I doubt more talk is going to change my mind.
* Yes, you're right.
* I don't know what I was thinking before.
* That's what I'm hoping.
* I'm not trying to make your life difficult, you know.
* Yes, my friend, it's amazing how much my fellow merchants have been motivated thanks to your kind actions.
* Hey, that isn't yours.
* That is not the impression I got.
* But you may be right.
* I should take things slow.
* I'm starting to think you're right.


Revision as of 10:48, 6 September 2023

Saburo Okadigbo
Saburo okadigbo1.jpg
Type Vendor
Faction Freestar Collective
Location Mining League - Neon
Planet/Moon Volii Alpha
Star Systemn Volii System
Missions Saburo's Solution
Number of Items for Sale 29
Types of Items for Sale Weapon, Helmet, Apparel, Resource
Patch 1.0

Saburo Okadigbo is a Vendor NPC.


Players can find Saburo Okadigbo at the Mining League in Neon. It is located on the planet Volii Alpha in the Volii System.


Additional Information

Items for Sale

Item Type Stock Price
Cutter Weapon 1 475
Deep Mining Space Helmet Helmet 1 725
Black Leather Jumpsuit Apparel 2 132
Blue Elbow Grease Gear Apparel 1 94
Blue Labor Jumpsuit Apparel 1 132
Engineering Outfit Apparel 1 132
Aluminium Resource 35 7
Antimony Resource 15 30
Beryllium Resource 29 12
Caesium Resource 14 25
Cobalt Resource 22 12
Copper Resource 22 10
Dysprosium Resource 14 56
Europium Resource 14 40
Gold Resource 19 24
Iridium Resource 23 14
Iron Resource 20 8
Lead Resource 22 10
Lithium Resource 18 14
Neodymium Resource 22 20
Nickel Resource 34 10
Palladium Resource 14 25
Plutonium Resource 17 64
Silver Resource 30 20
Tantalum Resource 18 23
Titanium Resource 16 12
Tungsten Resource 26 16
Uranium Resource 22 14
Vanadium Resource 19 24
  • Note that the availability of items might depend on player level and other factors.


  • did you really think you could just walk off with that
  • I really hope so
  • bless you for helping me clear my debt
  • I am glad you understand
  • it is a delicate matter
  • but it's not a loophole
  • it's more of a donation
  • and there are others much more deserving
  • that's what I get for trying to be nice eh
  • I'm trying to be reasonable here
  • but that is not the terms of the agreement
  • I would still be violating the contract on principle
  • I know you are frustrated
  • but I am not going to do something I do not believe in
  • oh maybe you're right
  • as much as it means to me my pride cannot be my ruin
  • no no that's not any more true than it was a minute ago
  • I've come up with an idea that I'm hoping will generate a lot of interest in my business
  • and you were the final element that was missing
  • you know what that does make sense
  • welcome welcome my friend
  • it's been a long time since I've seen a new face
  • you don't know what you're talking about
  • I hope you have a glorious day my friend
  • I have all sorts of interesting things for you to buy
  • wonderful simply wonderful
  • you have no idea the way to have lifted from my shoulders
  • I'm confident my fellow business people will see the benefits of the Cross promotion
  • I've got my orders but maybe we can work something out
  • thank you for handing out those flyers
  • huh that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it
  • take as long as you like
  • I hope I haven't upset you
  • I hope there's a way to work this out
  • I've been told the only thing thicker than the rock on volai is my skull
  • I'm not trying to be a hot ass
  • I just can't go any lower
  • what do you think you are doing
  • you might be right
  • James Newell and his Merchant Alliance friends are on the right track
  • but all they do is spend their time complaining never solving
  • that would be a blessing my friend
  • but I wouldn't want to impose
  • put that back
  • but I don't have much time
  • the clock is taking any debt is mounting
  • making ends meet gets harder and harder
  • I need to consider something more drastic
  • I think and I like her
  • oh that came out wrong
  • what I meant to say was I respect her business Acumen
  • she is always so professional
  • I thought she did not like me
  • that is why I have sent proxies to negotiate my debt
  • help Mara Chloe and I are very connected
  • knowing how she feels helped give me the courage to reciprocate
  • she is a very caring woman and a beautiful one at that
  • I'm still willing to talk
  • that's all just talk
  • doesn't change anything
  • regardless you have done me a service and for that I thank you
  • that is what I like to hear my friend
  • you are always welcome in my shop
  • maybe we can work something out
  • never
  • I've staked my claim here so I must stick to the path I've chosen
  • I hope handing out those flyers isn't too much trouble
  • I know they say never to mix business with pleasure
  • but there are always exceptions
  • I'm trying to figure out how to help you
  • when a man signs a contract he must honor it no matter the terms
  • nice words but they don't change anything
  • help someone is being attacked
  • nobody wants that
  • pickpocket stop
  • in the meantime we refer people to each other's shops
  • perhaps even promote sales together
  • it would benefit us all
  • I feel a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulders
  • it's a wonderful day my friend
  • the debt on the other hand is constant
  • everything I sell is carefully portioned securely created and ready to be delivered right into the cargo hold of your ship
  • I dare say she got it
  • thank you for taking the time to do this for me
  • it is not often to see such kindness here in neon
  • sorry I've got orders you know
  • I'll take that thank you
  • what no that's not true
  • take as long as you need
  • I can wait
  • I haven't agreed to anything yet
  • it seems I have been too prideful
  • yes I hope so
  • I'm sorry but I'd rather not take it
  • someone do something
  • I am sorry my friend but I can do no such thing
  • no I cannot do that
  • you have to pay what everyone else pays
  • hopefully business continues to get better
  • I am confident that it will
  • and I look forward to it
  • I don't see how
  • you know how it is
  • I'm the one you've got to deal with
  • like it or not
  • what do you think you are doing
  • yet here I am only a few years later
  • Pockets empty and my business on the verge of closer
  • it is a sad day
  • I think it's still a little early to tell if it was a true success
  • but I have noticed that this business has improved a bit so far
  • you see when I opened this shop I had Grand Ambitions of creating a mining Supply Empire on Volii
  • it's the dawn of a new day my friend
  • and we have you to thank for it
  • too bad
  • Farewell My friend
  • and tell everyone we have plenty of mining supplies in stock
  • it could be better my friend
  • but I'm not complaining
  • I've worked hard to keep these doors open
  • ah yes you are here on behalf of Miss McKenna
  • she is kind but as I said before I cannot accept
  • but even when business is good there are still Ebbs and flaws
  • mini Indian keep to their own
  • and I believe this is why we failed
  • what are you doing
  • if mining is your game I can help you win
  • it is my responsibility to pay the loan
  • if I cannot then what happens happens
  • but with your help perhaps I can avoid such a fake
  • I'd like to keep this civil
  • I have always believed that if a person works hard and makes no trouble they can achieve any goal
  • you think I'm a pushover
  • nice words but they don't change anything
  • I really doubt it my friend.
  • Please, surely we can work something out instead of resorting to violence.
  • Miss McKinney and I have a good working relationship.
  • I am the dreamer and she is the Thinker.
  • I'm afraid it is.
  • I'd like to think so.
  • I'm sorry my friend, but I can be very stubborn.
  • Here to purchase some mining Goods?
  • Let me know if you need any assistance with the Flyers.
  • Knowing that no one's been alone with their troubles is just what everyone needed to hear.
  • And now they're rising to the occasion.
  • I hear you.
  • I appreciate your kindness.
  • I don't think anyone else in neon would have helped me hand out those flyers.
  • No way, it's my ass if something goes wrong here.
  • Please, if you change your mind, take the slates.
  • It would mean so much.
  • You know what, you're wasting my time.
  • I am not going to lie to you my friend, it does not look good.
  • I really hope so.
  • Do you really mean that?
  • You don't scare me.
  • It was good of you to stop by my friend.
  • Then it seems we are at an impasse my friend.
  • The way I see it, you need what I am offering more than I need what you're paying.
  • I don't think so.
  • That e is true.
  • I could even add the interest to the calculation.
  • Oh, I did not know she felt this way.
  • It has been a struggle my friend.
  • I'm hoping that some last-ditch efforts will help turn things around.
  • You're starting to make a lot of sense.
  • We must unify, band together, and help each other out.
  • Then, when one of us falls, the others can reach down and help him rise from the dust.
  • Look, I'd like to help, but is anything wrong my friend?
  • Nothing would make me happier.
  • No, it is not that simple.
  • I really hope so.
  • Tell her I will accept her generosity and I will find a way to repay her kindness.
  • Oh my God, I do agree.
  • Celt Corp has more than they can earn or spend.
  • Hey, give that back.
  • I think you may be right.
  • Don't get ahead of yourself.
  • Someone help me.
  • Oh goodness, that was a bad joke my friend.
  • But I thank you for the sentiment nonetheless.
  • But I will not let it weigh on my conscience.
  • You know what, you might be—wait, no, what am I saying?
  • Thank you, Miss Morgan.
  • Hey, give it back.
  • You can tell Miss McKenna—I mean, Chloe—that I accept her offer.
  • I don't see how.
  • Stop trying to confuse me.
  • If only I had someone, perhaps like yourself, that would be able to assist me, I might be able to get back on my feet.
  • Please, I don't have time for this.
  • I'm just doing my job, you know.
  • I'm sure you're only up and up.
  • I doubt more talk is going to change my mind.
  • Yes, you're right.
  • I don't know what I was thinking before.
  • That's what I'm hoping.
  • I'm not trying to make your life difficult, you know.
  • Yes, my friend, it's amazing how much my fellow merchants have been motivated thanks to your kind actions.
  • Hey, that isn't yours.
  • That is not the impression I got.
  • But you may be right.
  • I should take things slow.
  • I'm starting to think you're right.



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