
Revision as of 07:59, 22 August 2023 by Starfield (talk | contribs)
See also: Features


Background Starting Skills Description
Beast Hunter Fitness, Ballistics, Gastronomy From the Ashta of Akila to the Terrormorphs that plague the whole of the Settled Systems, hostile alien life abounds. You've learned the skills to track them, find them, and take them down.
Bouncer Boxing, Security, Fitness You've worked the line at the toughest clubs in the Settled Systems. Back then, you learned that most non-lethal confrontations can be solved one of two ways: a strong right hook, or a more strongly secured door.
Bounty Hunter Piloting, Targeting Control Systems, Boost Pack Training Wherever there are wanted individuals, there are those who profit from their capture. And your quarry knows that in the vastness of space, they can run... but they can't hide.
Chef Gastronomy, Dueling, Scavenging While the unrefined masses scarfed down Chunks by the shipload, you catered to those with a more... discerning palate. In your kitchen, countless alien species became true culinary masterpieces.
Combat Medic Pistol Certification, Medicine, Wellness Leave it to human beings to fight over something as infinite as outer space. That's where you come in. You've never been afraid to take on the enemy... but you'd much rather take care of your friends.
Cyber Runner Stealth, Security, Theft From Neon to New Atlantis, the megacorps stand as monuments to power, prestige and profit. You've worked both for and against them, on the inside and out, often sacrificing conscience for credits.
Cyberneticist Medicine, Security, Lasers Robots? Mere toys. Neuroamps? Good for parlor tricks. The Colony War may have made implants and upgrades available to veterans, but you once saw a greater future. Humans and machines, as one.
Diplomat Persuasion, Commerce, Wellness The wars are over. Peace now reigns in the Settled Systems. But only because there are those quietly fighting to keep it. Because of you, agreements were signed, words were heeded... lives were spared.
Explorer Lasers, Astrodynamics, Surveying They said exploration is a lost art. You didn't listen. As the major factions argued over the space they desperately tried to control, you were busy uncovering the wonders of the Settled Systems.
Gangster Shotgun Certification, Boxing, Theft You were always disgusted by suckers killing themselves to make an "honest wage". As soon as you were old enough to hold a weapon, you took what you wanted from anyone unlucky enough to have it.
Long Hauler
Space Scroundel
Xenobiologist Fitness, Surveying, Lasers The Settled Systems is home to untold alien species. And while none of them have yet proven sentient, that never deterred you. So you sought out and studied them for whatever gifts they offered.
