Xe - Xenon

Xenon (Xe) is a Exotic Inorganic Resource.

Xe - Xenon
Name Xenon
Chemical Formula Xe
Type Inorganic Resource
Rarity Exotic
Description Exotic inorganic resource. This item can be used as a component in crafting.
Where to Find Bondar
How to Get ?????
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Colorless, dense, odorless noble gas
Patch 1.0

How to Get

Purchased From

  • ????

Found On

Used For



Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Xenon is used in certain types of photographic flashes in photography, in ion propulsion for spacecraft, and in the manufacture of some types of lights.



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Ad - Aldumite  ▪  Adhesive  ▪  Ag - Silver  ▪  Al - Aluminum  ▪  Amino Acids (Carapace)  ▪  Ar - Argon  ▪  Au - Gold  ▪  Be - Beryllium  ▪  C6Hn - Benzene  ▪  Cl - Chlorine  ▪  Co - Cobalt  ▪  Cs - Caesium  ▪  Ct - Caelumite  ▪  Cu - Copper  ▪  Dy - Dysprosium  ▪  Eu - Europium  ▪  F - Fluorine  ▪  Fe - Iron  ▪  Fe2O3 - Aqueous Hematite  ▪  Fiber  ▪  H20 - Water  ▪  He-3 - Helium-3  ▪  Hg - Mercury  ▪  HnCn - Alkanes  ▪  IL - Ionic Liquids  ▪  Ie - Indicite  ▪  Ir - Iridium  ▪  Li - Lithium  ▪  Nd - Neodymium  ▪  Ne - Neon  ▪  Ni - Nickel  ▪  Pb - Lead  ▪  Pd - Palladium  ▪  Pigment  ▪  Pt - Platinum  ▪  Pu - Plutonium  ▪  R-COOH - Carboxylic Acids  ▪  Rc - Rothicite  ▪  S - Sulfur  ▪  Sb - Antimony  ▪  Sealant  ▪  SiH3Cl - Chlorosilanes  ▪  Ta - Tantalum  ▪  Ti - Titanium  ▪  Tsn - Tasine  ▪  U - Uranium  ▪  V - Vanadium  ▪  Vr - Veryl  ▪  Vy - Vytinium  ▪  W - Tungsten  ▪  XF4 - Tetrafluorides  ▪  Xe - Xenon  ▪  Yb - Ytterbium