Tl - Thallium

Thallium (Tl) is a Rare Inorganic Resource.

Tl - Thallium
Name Thallium
Chemical Formula Tl
Atomic Number 81
Type Inorganic Resource
Color (Menu) ???
Color (Game) ???
Color (Real Life) Silvery-white
Rarity Rare
Planet Type ???
Biome ???
Description Thallium is a rare, soft metal that was discovered in 1861. In the game, it's used in advanced technology and energy systems.
How to Get ???
Used For ???
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Silvery-white metal that tarnishes to bluish-gray in air
Patch 1.0

How to Get

Used For

Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Thallium is a toxic metal that is used in some electronics and medical applications. It was discovered by Sir William Crookes, an English chemist, in 1861.