Ta - Tantalum

Tantalum (Ta) is a Rare Inorganic Resource.

Ta - Tantalum
Name Tantalum
Chemical Formula Ta
Type Inorganic Resource
Rarity Rare
Description Rare inorganic resource. This item can be used as a component in crafting.
Where to Find Enlil II, Nesoi, Tau Ceti VIII-b, Oborum II-a
How to Get Purchased from Wen Tseng, Dietrich Sieghart, Amoli Bava, Saburo Okadigbo
Appearance (Game) ???
Appearance (Real Life) Shiny, blue-gray metal
Patch 1.0

How to Get

Purchased From

Found On

Used For



Additional Information

Real Life

In real life, Tantalum is used in the manufacture of electronic components, due to its ability to hold a high electrical charge. It is also used in surgical instruments and implants, as it does not react with bodily fluids.



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Ad - Aldumite  ▪  Adhesive  ▪  Ag - Silver  ▪  Al - Aluminum  ▪  Amino Acids (Carapace)  ▪  Ar - Argon  ▪  Au - Gold  ▪  Be - Beryllium  ▪  C6Hn - Benzene  ▪  Cl - Chlorine  ▪  Co - Cobalt  ▪  Cs - Caesium  ▪  Ct - Caelumite  ▪  Cu - Copper  ▪  Dy - Dysprosium  ▪  Eu - Europium  ▪  F - Fluorine  ▪  Fe - Iron  ▪  Fe2O3 - Aqueous Hematite  ▪  Fiber  ▪  H20 - Water  ▪  He-3 - Helium-3  ▪  Hg - Mercury  ▪  HnCn - Alkanes  ▪  IL - Ionic Liquids  ▪  Ie - Indicite  ▪  Ir - Iridium  ▪  Li - Lithium  ▪  Nd - Neodymium  ▪  Ne - Neon  ▪  Ni - Nickel  ▪  Pb - Lead  ▪  Pd - Palladium  ▪  Pigment  ▪  Pt - Platinum  ▪  Pu - Plutonium  ▪  R-COOH - Carboxylic Acids  ▪  Rc - Rothicite  ▪  S - Sulfur  ▪  Sb - Antimony  ▪  Sealant  ▪  SiH3Cl - Chlorosilanes  ▪  Ta - Tantalum  ▪  Ti - Titanium  ▪  Tsn - Tasine  ▪  U - Uranium  ▪  V - Vanadium  ▪  Vr - Veryl  ▪  Vy - Vytinium  ▪  W - Tungsten  ▪  XF4 - Tetrafluorides  ▪  Xe - Xenon  ▪  Yb - Ytterbium