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4,391 bytes added ,  6 September 2023
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* did you really think you could just walk off with that
* I really hope so
* what you gonna say something
* that's what I get for trying to be nice
* hey I'm trying to be reasonable here
* I mean it might be okay
* no no that's not any more true than it was a minute ago
* guess you don't need it as badly as you say
* we'll still be here for the time being if you manage to come up with the creds
* you know what that does make sense
* give me a second I'm thinking about it
* I might be able to do that after all
* you don't know what you're talking about
* I mean it might be okay
* you're gonna have to be more convincing than that
* you're lucky I got any at all
* you don't guess you know that and you better know it if you want to keep drinking in my bar
* I've got my orders but maybe we can work something out
* all right I give up
* just trying to earn a living here
* you're a little short on phones there
* come back when you've got the credits
* not happening huh
* that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it
* don't get ahead of yourself
* I'll never agree to anything
* I hope there's a way to work this out
* that's enough you either pay up or get out
* I'm done talking about this
* I'm not trying to be a hard ass
* I just can't go any lower
* what do you think you're doing
* I smell [ __ ]
* you do realize it sounds like you're trying to Swindle me here right
* only that I didn't care much for them getting disbanded years ago and I don't care much for the rumors are coming back someday
* I understand I'm not trying to be difficult either
* I get where you're coming from but my answer hasn't changed
* you might be right
* I understand that you need it but I can't help you
* not happening
* I do have a soft spot for that girl
* put that back
* well we did make a deal
* I'll refund your credits
* I got a board here in the bar where people post all kinds of space fair and jobs
* good way to make quick money
* he ain't been around
* went off on patrol hasn't been back in since
* we're starting to think it might be time to pour one out to the blackest sea
* I do if you still want to buy it
* I got nothing better to do
* not for me and I know Hurst won't give his up willingly either
* no I'm still willing to talk
* I'd like to help you I really would
* I'm just trying to keep my business afloat
* last time he was here my wearer kept yelling about the lady of love singing songs all that kind of thing
* let's all just talk doesn't change anything
* I'll only charge you what I paid for the whiskey years ago pay me that man it's yours
* I hope I can trust you
* not happening
* didn't even want to drink it
* said he was buying it to put it on the Splinter's officer something
* seems like a waste but yeah whatever you paid up
* no can do
* never reordered it
* had to scrub for weeks to get out the stink of squirrel farts
* I never said I would give it to you
* I uh what you said that already
* I'm not buying it
* I want him found
* I do maybe we can work something out
* I know you posted that drawn in my bar
* believe it brightens up the place just ask next time will you
* last person that came through here asking about it was none other than Governor Hearst
* don't be a stranger
* fine we get a lot of new faces passing through here
* I'm trying to figure out how to help you
* you broke a chair
* calm down I'm still thinking about it
* nice words but they don't change anything
* help someone's being attacked
* you're welcome to try to wear me down
* well hell Barrett you're back
* nobody wants that outer space big pocket stop imagine a tip
* you're just annoying enough that this might work
* I dare say she got it
* that's okay
* I hope you know that I'm not trying to be difficult either
* I'd like to tell you I really would
* sorry I got orders you know
* sorry not buying your story
* you want that whiskey you gotta pay full price final offer
* see that's what I'm talking about
* you give respect you get respect
* I'm glad you understand
* I'll take that thank you
* you got those credits you pay his Deb I tell you what I know
* it might be okay
* sorry but I can't
* conserving drinks here for over 40 years few places can offer that kind of stability
* but no that's not true
* I haven't agreed to anything yet
* so my beliefs are the only booze worth drinking don't need to be mixed with something else to taste good
