Long Hauler

Long Hauler is a Background.

Long Hauler
File:Long Hauler.jpg
Starting Skills Weight Lifting, Piloting, Ballistic Weapon Systems
Description Let those other hothead pilots obsess over laser weapons and maneuverability. You're a space trucker, pure and simple. Pack the cargo, get it there fast, get paid, repeat. Life is simple and good.
Patch 1.0

Starting Skills

SkillDescriptionRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4
Ballistic Weapon SystemsWhile there have been significant advancements in ship-borne weaponry, sometimes the simplest tool is the most effective.Ballistic ship weapons have 10% increased damage and cost 20% less to use in Targeting Mode.Ballistic ship weapons have 20% increased damage and recharge 15% faster.Ballistic ship weapons have 30% increased damage and recharge 30% faster.Ballistic ship weapons do 50% more damage to individual systems.
PilotingAs more people journey into space, the number of those certified to effectively pilot various types of spacecraft has increased dramatically.You can now utilize ship thrusters.Increased ship turning rate and maneuverability.Unlock the ability to pilot Class B ships.Unlock the ability to pilot Class C ships.
Weight LiftingWeight training can significantly increase one's ability to carry weapons and equipment, both in space and on the ground.Increase total carrying capacity by 10 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 25 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 50 kilograms.Increase total carrying capacity by 100 kilograms. Gain 50% resistance to stagger.


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