Jane Weller

Jane Weller is a Vendor NPC.

Jane Weller
Jane weller1.jpg
Type Vendor
Faction United Colonies
Location Jane's Goods - Residential Area - Cydonia
Planet/Moon Mars
Star Systemn Sol System
Number of Items for Sale 91
Types of Items for Sale Weapon, Spacesuit, Helmet, Apparel, Aid Item, Note, Resource
Patch 1.0


Players can find Jane Weller in Jane's Goods, located in the Residential Area of Cydonia - Central Hub. It is on the planet Mars in the Sol System.


Additional Information

Items for Sale

Item Type Stock Price
Cutter Weapon 1 475
Calibrated Space Trucker Spacesuit Spacesuit 1 3925
Calibrated Star Roamer Spacesuit Spacesuit 1 3925
Star Roamer Space Helmet Helmet 1 745
Blue Labor Jumpsuit Apparel 1 132
Engineering Outfit Apparel 1 132
Gray Labor Jumpsuit Apparel 1 132
Miner Jumpsuit Apparel 1 132
Baguette Aid Item 3 55
Butter Aid Item 3 55
Celery Aid Item 1 35
Cheese Aid Item 8 55
Chunks Beef - Packaged Aid Item 1 105
Drink Pack: Milk Aid Item 4 75
Heal Paste Aid Item 1 80
Immobilizer Aid Item 1 50
Kefir Aid Item 1 140
Lemon Aid Item 2 35
Lime Aid Item 2 35
Meal Pack - Chicken Aid Item 4 75
Meal Pack - Eggs Aid Item 15 75
Meal Pack - Ramen Aid Item 2 75
Meal Pack - Shrimp Aid Item 1 75
Med Pack Aid Item 3 525
Milk Aid Item 2 75
Onion Aid Item 2 35
Orange Aid Item 3 35
Peach Aid Item 1 35
Pear Aid Item 1 35
Plum Aid Item 1 35
Potato Aid Item 2 35
Ramen Aid Item 2 105
Ramen Minibite Aid Item 1 75
Ramen Multipack Aid Item 1 155
Red Harvest Lentils Aid Item 9 55
Red Harvest Naan Aid Item 3 55
Red Harvest Rye Aid Item 4 55
Red Harvest Spaghetti Aid Item 1 55
Red Harvest Wheat Aid Item 2 55
Soba Aid Item 1 105
Soba Multipack Aid Item 1 155
Synthameat Chicken Aid Item 4 140
Synthameat Hamburger Aid Item 6 140
Synthameat Multi Aid Item 6 140
Synthameat Steak Aid Item 5 155
Synthameat Turkey Aid Item 6 140
Synthameat Veal Aid Item 4 155
TerraBrew Classic Aid Item 9 75
TerraBrew Espresso Aid Item 6 75
Tomato Aid Item 2 35
Trauma Pack Aid Item 1 595
Udon Aid Item 3 105
Udon Minibite Aid Item 1 75
Udon Multipack Aid Item 1 155
Yogurt Aid Item 4 55
Bleak House Note 1 101
Carrie of the Cosmos Note 1 105
My Life. Chunk by Chunk Note 1 90
Ship Repair Fundamentals Note 1 93
Alkanes Resource 14 13
Aluminum Resource 18 7
Argon Resource 13 5
Benzene Resource 14 19
Beryllium Resource 13 12
Carboxylic Acids Resource 12 12
Chlorine Resource 14 6
Chlorosilanes Resource 16 14
Cobalt Resource 15 12
Copper Resource 14 10
Dysprosium Resource 8 56
Europium Resource 7 40
Fluorine Resource 14 12
Gold Resource 11 24
Helium-3 Resource 13 5
Iron Resource 19 8
Lead Resource 13 10
Lithium Resource 12 14
Mercury Resource 12 22
Neodymium Resource 10 20
Nickel Resource 13 10
Palladium Resource 7 25
Platinum Resource 11 24
Plutonium Resource 6 64
Tantalum Resource 12 23
Tetrafluorides Resource 12 18
Titanium Resource 11 12
Tungsten Resource 15 16
Uranium Resource 13 14
Vanadium Resource 11 24
Water Resource 20 4
Xenon Resource 8 27
  • Note that the availability of items might depend on player level and other factors.


  • did you really think you could just walk off with that
  • thanks again for getting my back
  • let me know if I can get you anything
  • I sure hope you're not trying to rip me off again
  • just go
  • sure wish I could have offered you a discount instead of a cold shoulder
  • good luck out there
  • now that I've got a functioning cargo ship and a pilot I can really start to bring in some good merchandise
  • there are other shops you know
  • no need to come back and harass me anymore
  • I'm glad I asked you instead of relying on sister
  • I never would have seen the berry mule again if I did that
  • sure thing take a look
  • yeah bye
  • well what do I do now
  • look you can shop here if you want but only because I need the money
  • thanks to you that look on your face tells me that maybe the less I know the better
  • I'll just consider myself lucky I guess
  • what do you think you're doing
  • you may have hired Eric away from me but at least he's doing what he always wanted to do
  • I get it now
  • is this why you were so eager to help me so you could squeeze what little savings I have out of me
  • put that back
  • hey I thought you had more to say
  • no I know Pirates sometimes get bold and Venture into soul to hit cargo vessels but it could be something else
  • help but maybe I'm better off that way
  • if that ship was stolen or whatever it was only a matter of time before something bad was going to happen
  • maybe in a way I was lucky
  • whoa ecliptic they're like hardcore mercenaries right
  • yikes I guess I should consider myself lucky
  • don't even think of asking for a discount after what you did
  • you're paying full price
  • really I mean thank you
  • I know it's a lot of trouble but it'll mean a lot to me
  • okay let me just pull up my stock and uh there it is take a look
  • hope everything went well
  • you've done me a real solid here
  • there's really nothing I can do to fully repay you for what you did
  • if I don't have what you're looking for um maybe you'll find something else you like
  • it was stolen oh jeez I guess it really was too good to be true when I bought it
  • that ship I bought it from a sketchy dealer because it was all I could afford
  • seemed too good to be true
  • I'm not sure now it was entirely legit
  • well here's the stupid money hope it was worth it
  • I can't find anyone willing to track him down
  • I'm worried something bad has happened
  • I apologize if I'm a little distracted I'm currently dealing with a little issue
  • but please let me know if there's anything I can get for you
  • and I hope one day is to keep expanding to other planets
  • I've already got a small Logistics subsidiary in the works for shipping cargo
  • help help
  • then I'm gonna continue building this business
  • pickpocket you again really
  • sure I've probably got something here you'll like
  • yeah me too
  • it'll take a while but I can always get another ship
  • there you got what you wanted let's hurry this up
  • and of course I can't really pay Eric
  • I'd recommend him if you know anyone who needs a good pilot
  • well my ship and pilot are still missing so it'll be appreciated
  • see I saved up to get a new ship and hire a pilot
  • he was supposed to help run deliveries and bring in all sorts of new Goods
  • but he went missing
  • I'll take that thank you
  • you have no idea
  • every time I feel like I'm getting ahead something happens to knock me back down
  • my dad took good care of me but he died when I was 14
  • so I had to fend for myself those years were the hardest
  • my shop may not look special but it's locally owned and independent
  • someone do something
  • I can't imagine what Eric's going through right now
  • I hope he's okay
  • well I won't lie I'm really bummed about the berry mule
  • but on the bright side at least Eric is alive and back safely
  • so you see the problem with contacting sister
  • hopefully he'll find some work until I recoup from this loss
  • and then I can hire him back
  • what do you think you're doing
  • just buy something and get out of here
  • okay look I'll sell to you because I've got to make money somehow
  • but you got another thing coming if you think we're going to be friendly after what you did
  • you damn well know what the answer is
  • and sorry but I'm in no mood to talk to you after what you did
  • what are you oh
  • I mean I knew the deal I got on it was too good to be true instincts be damned
  • yes or no
  • better now
  • I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with Eric though
  • I don't have a need for a pilot without a ship
  • oh a great opportunity for people who don't wish to deal with the trade Authority
  • here's what I can't afford to pay you
  • and on top of that I'll see what I can do to lower the price of anything you want to buy from me
  • this was Eric's first real piloting job and I'm worried they could tell it was easy pickings or something
  • do you still need something
  • I feel like I'm a bit in over my head
  • glad you came along to help
  • but without that ship I don't really have a use for a pilot
  • I just hope you'll be able to find work after this
  • you know I was going to offer you a nice little discount on anything you buy from me in the future but not now
  • I may be out of ship but you did save Eric so there's that
  • my stock may be low but my prices are High
  • I mean good the prices are good
  • of course losing Eric is a bit of a bummer
  • but at least I feel like he's in good hands
  • glad you're back everything okay
  • but I know there's a problem with pirates out there
  • this is all my fault I should have been more careful
  • wait rightful owner you mean I bought a stolen ship
  • so uh what's the news
  • don't let the door hit you on the way out
  • anyway thank you for trying
  • I won't be able to pay much now but here it's something
  • yeah I kind of figured I was wasting my time but I had to try
  • not to really last or no
  • Eric was piloting the berry mule out by Triton
  • then nothing maybe he just ran out of fuel
  • I don't know I'm worried though
  • what hey give that back
  • hi welcome to Jane's
  • Cydonia is only 100 independent One-Stop shop literally
  • when I started it was barely a kiosk
  • and I was selling loose machine parts scrap metal bottled water whatever I could get my hands on
  • you're gonna find my ship right
  • but unless you're some sort of Merc I'm not sure you can help
  • someone unfortunately that ship was nearly everything I own
  • I'm gonna have to start from scratch again
  • I'm not sure I'm hoping it's something simple like he ran out of fuel
  • it's an older ship and it may have had a minor leak
  • hey give that back
  • um not quite but the dealer did say that it had been originally found abandoned
  • he refurbished it and then sold it to me
  • and now that you put it like that I really should have seen all this coming
  • thanks again and try to bring them both back in one piece
  • anyway thank you for trying
  • I won't be able to pay much now but here it's something
  • I honestly didn't think I'd see you again after what you pulled
  • hey that isn't yours
  • yes of course I mean I don't have a lot but it's worth it if you find the ship
  • I'll definitely be able to pay
  • the shop began as a way to survive it has been successful so I've stayed with it
  • I heard you hide Eric
  • I sure hope you treat him better than you did me
  • the last signal I got from him was out near Triton
  • it's a starting place at least
  • yep that's me on the sign
  • Jane I operate one of the few independent non-franchise businesses in Cydonia
  • maybe I'll even upgrade the berry mule with more defenses
  • might not be a bad idea you know just in case
  • help uh they could be better
  • I lost a lot of capital when I lost that ship
  • well you got the ship back and I think I'm just gonna lay low for a bit
  • just in case well to be honest I'm a little spooked by the ordeal
  • don't try that again
  • wait gone like I'm not going to be able to get it back seriously
  • okay well we don't know for sure hopefully that's not what's going on but lesson learned anyway
  • hey kinda got a shop to run here
  • I don't have to start over from scratch and and that's great so thank you again
  • wow you've got some nerve to strike up friendly conversation after trying to extort money out of me
  • no thank you
  • I've scrimped and saved for years to build up my little shop
  • well first of all I'm gonna count myself lucky
  • I probably should have thought about it more but I had to jump on the offer because my business means everything to me
  • of course have a seat take all the time you need
  • we'll chat when you're ready
  • lick of options I suppose
  • I was born on Mars
  • I never knew my mum she left when I was little
  • I'll try to compensate you as best I can when you bring back Eric and my ship
  • it's a cargo Runner called the berry mule
  • some might see junk but I see an opportunity to turn scrap into something I can sell and profit off of
  • well that sucks what do I do now
  • can you believe some people just throw stuff away when it gets old or busted
  • oh my God Eric you're safe
  • I was so worried
  • it sucks bad I've done it before I can do it again
  • just gonna take some time
  • see you around
  • well let me know if there's anything I can do for you
  • I guess as soon as we're ready Eric will be back to making runs and hopefully he'll have learned a thing or two
  • if all else fails I'm probably going to but I'd rather not
  • listen learned next time I'll buy from a reputable Source
  • that's mine get it
  • someday I'm gonna take this business to the stars and turn it into something big
  • anyway I'm super glad you found my ship and saved Eric
  • it's more than I could have hoped
  • whoa back up a second you killed people
  • oh geez so what happened
  • who took it and you've just sort of stopped talking
  • could just be my overactive imagination
  • wow if you come back to try and get more money out of me



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