
Revision as of 09:52, 18 August 2023 by Starfield (talk | contribs)

Here is the markdown article converted to wikitext format:


Outposts are advanced player-built bases in Starfield that serve as secondary hubs and homes away from the player's primary spaceship. Outposts enable players to harvest resources, conduct research, store items, and more.


  • Outposts act as planetary bases that provide shelter, resources, research stations, and crew housing
  • Players can construct outposts on suitable locations across planets in the settled systems
  • Outposts have extensive customization options for layout, structures, decorations, color schemes, and naming
  • Players can recruit, hire, and assign companions and crew members to work at their outposts
  • Outposts can generate income through resource harvesting, mining, agriculture, animal husbandry, and processing collected resources
  • Outposts can be built up with a wide range of structures and facilities to unlock more capabilities
  • Players manage power, resource storage, research projects, and crew assignments at their outposts

Construction and Placement

  • Outposts can be constructed on almost any planet if certain requirements are met
  • Players first place an Outpost Beacon to designate the outpost's location and boundary
  • The beacon defines the workable area that the outpost can be built upon
  • Ideal outpost locations have rich mineral deposits and other natural resources
  • Outpost structures come in various shapes and sizes for different functions
  • The initial structures and options available depend on player progression
  • Players start with basic hab and power options and unlock more advanced buildings through research and crafting
  • A top-down isometric camera mode assists with precisely planning outpost layouts
  • Constructing outposts requires gathering requisite resources like metal ingots
  • Building each structure consumes specific amounts of resources
  • A build limit governs how many objects can be placed based on outpost location and size

Structures and Facilities

Outposts can potentially contain the following structures and facilities:


  • Airlocks - Required for planets/moons with unbreathable atmospheres
  • Habs - Basic habitats that provide interior space for working and decorations
  • Crew Quarters - Living spaces for companions and other crew members
  • Hydroponic Habs - Enable farming of alien plants and fungi for resources
  • Science Habs - Allow research stations and labs to be installed
  • Military Habs - Used for crafting weapons, armor, and ammo
  • Watchtowers - Raised structures with high vantage points for monitoring
  • Hallways & Connectors - Link together other structures

Resource Harvesting

  • Extractors - Harvest surface resources like minerals and ores over time
  • Mining Rigs - Extract resources like buried minerals, metals, oil/fuel
  • Hydroponics - Grow alien plants and fungi for organic resources
  • Creature Pens - Can potentially breed creatures for animal-based resources
  • Processing Facilities - Refine and process extracted resources into usable materials

Power & Maintenance

  • Solar Panels - Generate electricity during daytime
  • Wind Turbines - Generate electricity perpetually but depends on wind
  • Batteries - Provide power storage to handle peak demands
  • Power Relays - Distribute power between structures as needed
  • Maintenance Bots - Automated robots that handle minor upkeep and repairs

Storage & Equipment



Players have extensive control over customizing both the exterior and interior of their outposts:

  • Structural Layout - Position structures and interconnect them as desired
  • Decorations - Place furnishings like chairs, tables, cabinets, and shelves
  • Lighting - Adjust colors, intensity, and positions of light sources
  • Architectural Style - Alter structural shapes, textures, and color schemes
  • Gardens - Add planted areas with alien vegetation for aesthetics
  • Defenses - Construct walls, barriers, turrets, and other security measures


  • Players can decorate interior spaces with obtained furniture and items
  • Walls and floors can be recolored to desired shades and patterns
  • Rooms can be renovated for specific purposes like laboratories or lounges
  • Interactive elements like computer consoles, starmaps, and workbenches can be installed
  • Quarters can be customized for crew members based on their personalities
  • Trophies obtained during adventures can be put on display


  • Players can decorate outpost exteriors with constructed and found items
  • Structures can be recolored or have materials swapped out
  • Lighting like lamp posts and flood lights can be added
  • Gardens with alien plants and landscape features can be created
  • Defensive perimeter walls, guard posts, and turrets can be erected
  • Landing areas and garages can be built to house vehicles

Crew Management

Crew members provide major bonuses to outpost operation and productivity:

  • Companions recruited during the main campaign can be assigned to outposts
  • Standard crew members found throughout the systems can also be recruited
  • Each crew member has a set of skills and specialty areas
  • When assigned to an outpost, crew members contribute their skills and bonuses
  • Ideal skill matchups depend on the outpost's focus like research, farming, or mining
  • Crew members can also be assigned to specific facilities like labs or mining rigs
  • Need to balance companion and crew skills between the player's ship and outposts
  • Can potentially have multiple shifts of crew that rotate between assignments
  • Number of assignable crew may be limited by outpost size and available quarters

Resource Generation

In addition to providing shelter and research capabilities, outposts also serve as production hubs for valuable resources:

Raw Material Harvesting

  • Surface Extractors can harvest common minerals, metals, and elements over time
  • Extractors are placed near detected mineral deposits identified by surveying
  • Mining rigs can be built to access buried resources like ore veins
  • Oil wells and natural gas extractors can tap into fossil fuel reservoirs
  • Resource quantities depend on the natural abundances present around the outpost


  • Hydroponic habs enable growing alien plants, fungi, and other lifeforms
  • Different crops can be cultivated based on discovered flora across planets
  • Biologists can research plant genetics to optimize crop yields and growth times
  • Resources are harvested from plants via techniques like milking, tapping, and sustainable gathering

Creature Husbandry

  • Alien creatures can potentially be kept at outposts as livestock
  • Livestock can be bred and raised specifically for harvesting resources
  • Examples include grazing creatures, insects, and other invertebrates
  • Requires zoologists to learn creature husbandry practices and optimal breeding
  • Pens, habitats, and food sources must be provided for livestock
  • Animals are processed for resources like hide, meat, secretions, eggs, etc.

Processing & Production

  • Collected raw resources can be processed and refined into usable materials
  • Metals can be smelted into ingots, alloys formed by alloying, gases condensed and collected
  • Organic resources can be processed into materials like textiles and consumables
  • Advanced fabrication capabilities can use refined resources to produce items
  • Technicians optimize processing operations and yields


Outposts represent a major progression system that players work towards over the entire game:

  • Outposts are considered end-game content given their complexity
  • Substantially time and effort is needed to acquire the blueprints, resources, and crew required
  • Players start with the ability to create basic outposts for shelter
  • More advanced facilities must be researched via the Tech Trees
  • Resources must be mined across systems to produce required construction materials
  • Crew members have to be recruited with the appropriate skills
  • Developing extensive, productive outposts allows players to establish presence across multiple planets
  • End-game outposts provide benefits like resources, research, storage, financial income, and more

Please let me know if you would like me to expand or modify this version in any way. I'm happy to keep adding more details to make the article as long and comprehensive as possible.