Saburo Okadigbo: Difference between revisions

12,852 bytes added ,  6 September 2023
m (Text replacement - "Cooper" to "Copper")
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{NPC Infobox
{{NPC Infobox
|Image = Saburo Okadigbo.jpg
|Image = Saburo okadigbo1.jpg
|Name = Saburo Okadigbo
|Name = Saburo Okadigbo
|Type = Vendor
|Type = Vendor
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*Note that the availability of items might depend on player [[level]] and other factors.
*Note that the availability of items might depend on player [[level]] and other factors.
* did you really think you could just walk off with that
* I really hope so
* bless you for helping me clear my debt
* I am glad you understand
* it is a delicate matter
* but it's not a loophole
* it's more of a donation
* and there are others much more deserving
* that's what I get for trying to be nice eh
* I'm trying to be reasonable here
* but that is not the terms of the agreement
* I would still be violating the contract on principle
* I know you are frustrated
* but I am not going to do something I do not believe in
* oh maybe you're right
* as much as it means to me my pride cannot be my ruin
* no no that's not any more true than it was a minute ago
* I've come up with an idea that I'm hoping will generate a lot of interest in my business
* and you were the final element that was missing
* you know what that does make sense
* welcome welcome my friend
* it's been a long time since I've seen a new face
* you don't know what you're talking about
* I hope you have a glorious day my friend
* I have all sorts of interesting things for you to buy
* wonderful simply wonderful
* you have no idea the way to have lifted from my shoulders
* I'm confident my fellow business people will see the benefits of the Cross promotion
* I've got my orders but maybe we can work something out
* thank you for handing out those flyers
* huh that makes a lot of sense now that I think about it
* take as long as you like
* I hope I haven't upset you
* I hope there's a way to work this out
* I've been told the only thing thicker than the rock on volai is my skull
* I'm not trying to be a hot ass
* I just can't go any lower
* what do you think you are doing
* you might be right
* James Newell and his Merchant Alliance friends are on the right track
* but all they do is spend their time complaining never solving
* that would be a blessing my friend
* but I wouldn't want to impose
* put that back
* but I don't have much time
* the clock is taking any debt is mounting
* making ends meet gets harder and harder
* I need to consider something more drastic
* I think and I like her
* oh that came out wrong
* what I meant to say was I respect her business Acumen
* she is always so professional
* I thought she did not like me
* that is why I have sent proxies to negotiate my debt
* help Mara Chloe and I are very connected
* knowing how she feels helped give me the courage to reciprocate
* she is a very caring woman and a beautiful one at that
* I'm still willing to talk
* that's all just talk
* doesn't change anything
* regardless you have done me a service and for that I thank you
* that is what I like to hear my friend
* you are always welcome in my shop
* maybe we can work something out
* never
* I've staked my claim here so I must stick to the path I've chosen
* I hope handing out those flyers isn't too much trouble
* I know they say never to mix business with pleasure
* but there are always exceptions
* I'm trying to figure out how to help you
* when a man signs a contract he must honor it no matter the terms
* nice words but they don't change anything
* help someone is being attacked
* nobody wants that
* pickpocket stop
* in the meantime we refer people to each other's shops
* perhaps even promote sales together
* it would benefit us all
* I feel a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulders
* it's a wonderful day my friend
* the debt on the other hand is constant
* everything I sell is carefully portioned securely created and ready to be delivered right into the cargo hold of your ship
* I dare say she got it
* thank you for taking the time to do this for me
* it is not often to see such kindness here in neon
* sorry I've got orders you know
* I'll take that thank you
* what no that's not true
* take as long as you need
* I can wait
* I haven't agreed to anything yet
* it seems I have been too prideful
* yes I hope so
* I'm sorry but I'd rather not take it
* someone do something
* I am sorry my friend but I can do no such thing
* no I cannot do that
* you have to pay what everyone else pays
* hopefully business continues to get better
* I am confident that it will
* and I look forward to it
* I don't see how
* you know how it is
* I'm the one you've got to deal with
* like it or not
* what do you think you are doing
* yet here I am only a few years later
* Pockets empty and my business on the verge of closer
* it is a sad day
* I think it's still a little early to tell if it was a true success
* but I have noticed that this business has improved a bit so far
* you see when I opened this shop I had Grand Ambitions of creating a mining Supply Empire on Volii
* it's the dawn of a new day my friend
* and we have you to thank for it
* too bad
* Farewell My friend
* and tell everyone we have plenty of mining supplies in stock
* it could be better my friend
* but I'm not complaining
* I've worked hard to keep these doors open
* ah yes you are here on behalf of Miss McKenna
* she is kind but as I said before I cannot accept
* but even when business is good there are still Ebbs and flaws
* mini Indian keep to their own
* and I believe this is why we failed
* what are you doing
* if mining is your game I can help you win
* it is my responsibility to pay the loan
* if I cannot then what happens happens
* but with your help perhaps I can avoid such a fake
* I'd like to keep this civil
* I have always believed that if a person works hard and makes no trouble they can achieve any goal
* you think I'm a pushover
* nice words but they don't change anything
* I really doubt it my friend.
* Please, surely we can work something out instead of resorting to violence.
* Miss McKinney and I have a good working relationship.
* I am the dreamer and she is the Thinker.
* I'm afraid it is.
* I'd like to think so.
* I'm sorry my friend, but I can be very stubborn.
* Here to purchase some mining Goods?
* Let me know if you need any assistance with the Flyers.
* Knowing that no one's been alone with their troubles is just what everyone needed to hear.
* And now they're rising to the occasion.
* I hear you.
* I appreciate your kindness.
* I don't think anyone else in neon would have helped me hand out those flyers.
* No way, it's my ass if something goes wrong here.
* Please, if you change your mind, take the slates.
* It would mean so much.
* You know what, you're wasting my time.
* I am not going to lie to you my friend, it does not look good.
* I really hope so.
* Do you really mean that?
* You don't scare me.
* It was good of you to stop by my friend.
* Then it seems we are at an impasse my friend.
* The way I see it, you need what I am offering more than I need what you're paying.
* I don't think so.
* That e is true.
* I could even add the interest to the calculation.
* Oh, I did not know she felt this way.
* It has been a struggle my friend.
* I'm hoping that some last-ditch efforts will help turn things around.
* You're starting to make a lot of sense.
* We must unify, band together, and help each other out.
* Then, when one of us falls, the others can reach down and help him rise from the dust.
* Look, I'd like to help, but is anything wrong my friend?
* Nothing would make me happier.
* No, it is not that simple.
* I really hope so.
* Tell her I will accept her generosity and I will find a way to repay her kindness.
* Oh my God, I do agree.
* Celt Corp has more than they can earn or spend.
* Hey, give that back.
* I think you may be right.
* Don't get ahead of yourself.
* Someone help me.
* Oh goodness, that was a bad joke my friend.
* But I thank you for the sentiment nonetheless.
* But I will not let it weigh on my conscience.
* You know what, you might be—wait, no, what am I saying?
* Thank you, Miss Morgan.
* Hey, give it back.
* You can tell Miss McKenna—I mean, Chloe—that I accept her offer.
* I don't see how.
* Stop trying to confuse me.
* If only I had someone, perhaps like yourself, that would be able to assist me, I might be able to get back on my feet.
* Please, I don't have time for this.
* I'm just doing my job, you know.
* I'm sure you're only up and up.
* I doubt more talk is going to change my mind.
* Yes, you're right.
* I don't know what I was thinking before.
* That's what I'm hoping.
* I'm not trying to make your life difficult, you know.
* Yes, my friend, it's amazing how much my fellow merchants have been motivated thanks to your kind actions.
* Hey, that isn't yours.
* That is not the impression I got.
* But you may be right.
* I should take things slow.
* I'm starting to think you're right.
* I'm sorry my friend but prices are set in stone.
* I'm afraid I cannot provide any discounts.
* Don't get bent out of shape.
* You're right it is a mess and I am begging for just the smallest bit of your time.
* I'm excited to see how business improves now that those flyers have been handed out.
* Oh, she did? Miss Makina is very kind but I cannot accept.
* But I should not let these errant thoughts get in the way of business.
* I'm sure she sees our relationship as strictly professional.
* You're wasting my time.
* Help, I'm being attacked!
* Maybe we can still work something out.
* Look at me, my palms are sweating.
* But you clearly don't need it and I certainly do.
* I suppose that is your point.
* I'm hoping it will improve very soon.
* Your friend here has offered some assistance in the marketing department.
* I was aiming so much higher, hoping to attract these space travelers passing to the Volii system on their prospecting journeys.
* Please let me know when those flyers have been handed out.
* Listen to me my friend, I hear what the people say on the street.
* They call me crazy for opening a mining business on an ocean world.
* Don't try that again.
* If you could bring these flyers to some of the other vendors in neon, it would explain how we can improve our businesses as a group.
* If you are the kind of person who takes money they don't need then be my guest.
* Oh my goodness, Miss Warden, I haven't seen you in quite a while.
* How are you my friend, so glad you stopped by today.
* There's nothing to talk about, I've already made myself clear.
* The first time I laid eyes on this building, I felt the same way.
* You may think so but I don't.
* Things have improved my friend, thanks to you.
* Don't forget, we sell all types of raw materials as well.
* Isn't it obvious my friend, I sell mining supplies of all shapes and sizes as well as many, many hard-to-find types of ore.
* Certainly my friend, I can see that.
* I disagree, it would hurt me to live with the shame.
* It was stupid to assume I could corner the market on mining supplies and raw materials without a solid foundation, and by God, I've paid the price.
* I would be at neon's mercy, living in a sleep crate and walking the streets.
* I'm sure, I dare say he got it.
* Come back soon my friend, it's always a treat to see you.
* Ah, thank you so much my friend, I believe that this will be a great boon for my business.
* You would do that for a total stranger, bless you my friend, bless you.
* Really, let me take a look.
* I am sorry, I know you and Miss McKenna mean well, but I simply cannot accept this donation.
* Alright, I'm willing to hear you out.
* I'm still listening.
* I don't know my friend, I suppose I would be at neon's mercy, just another failed dreamer walking the streets and living in a sleep crate.
* This isn't getting us anywhere.
* But in reality, no one can do it alone.
* I'm grateful that you and Miss McKenna have reminded me of this.
* Perhaps, but it's the only chance I've got.
* You have nothing to lose but a bit of your time, while I have, I have everything to lose.
* I am confident that the flyers will help my business.
* Hello my friend, I think...
* No, stop it, you're trying to confuse me.
* I'm glad you understand the position I am in here.
* Maybe so, I suppose so.
* There's nothing in the contract that says I must pay the loan through sales.
* I appreciate your help, if there's anything I can do, anything at all, please let me know.
* That's mine, give it back.
* Taking her money will only cause her hardship, I will bring her harm in this manner.
* You are so persistent, I am having trouble saying no.
* Pride is all I have, what are credits compared to a man's integrity and honor?
* I do not want her to worry about me, and she must be concerned if she had you come here.
* Thank you again for helping me out with the flyers.
* I can see that, but lucky for me, Miss McKenna was able to look beneath this.
* Of us all, done.
* You're trying to confuse me, aren't you?
* Sorry, but I can't.
* I really appreciate what you are doing for me, friend.
* You might be right.
* Don't mistake being reasonable for being a pushover.
* I do have feelings for her, and maybe now I will have the courage to tell her.
* I really doubt it.
